Archives for Apple

Urgent Apple Security Update

The Register, By Chris Williams, 21st February 2014

Apple has updated its mobile operating system iOS to patch a bug that blows apart the integrity of encrypted connections.

Versions 7.0.6 and 6.1.6, available now for download, fixes a vulnerability that could allow “an attacker with a privileged network position” to “capture or modify data in sessions protected by SSL/TLS,” according to the iPhone maker. This is due to theSecure Transport component of the operating system failing to validate “the authenticity of the connection,” suggesting some sort of failure to verify the certificate or identity of whatever system a vulnerable iDevice was connected to.

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iPhone Marketshare Shrinking

Lawrence Whitney, CNet News

Apple’s smartphone sales have risen following the release of the iPhone 5S and 5C. But its rivals have chipped away at the company’s longer-term market share, according to market researcher Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.

Looking at the global smartphone market for the three months ending November 2013, Kantar found that Apple’s share had dropped in almost all regions compared with the same period in 2012. During that stretch, the iPhone’s market share fell by 9.9 percent in the US, by 6.5 percent in the European Union Five, and by 1.5 percent in China.

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Apple's 'record' Q4: 33.8 million iPhones, 14.1 million iPads sold


Rachel King – CNet News

Following mixed reviews of its latest iPad line refresh last weekApple kicked off the week with its fiscal fourth quarter earnings report, hitting all analyst targets.

The iPhone maker reported a net income of $7.5 billion, or $8.31 per share (statement). Non-GAAP earnings were $8.26 per share on a revenue of $37.5 billion.

Wall Street was looking for earnings of at least $7.93 on a revenue of $36.84 billion.

Apple shares were up slightly just before the closing bell rang on Monday.

Cupertino was quick to describe Q4 as a “record September quarter” with iPhone sales up by approximately 26 percent annually to 33.8 million units. That figure was undoubtedly helped by the the unveiling of the new iPhones 5C and 5S last month.

Nevertheless, even as iPad sales continue to grow, Mac figures demonstrate Apple is not immune to the PC industry woes either.

iPad sales were up slightly annually to 14.1 million units versus 14 million, while Mac sales were down from 4.9 million in the year-ago quarter to 4.6 million units this time around.

For the fiscal first quarter, Wall Street is banking big time on a combination …

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What does Apple have up its sleeve for Oct. 22?

Anthony Wing Kosner: Forbes

As expected, Apple is apparently set to announce its next line of iPads, along with release dates of OS X Mavericks and the high-octane Mac Pro, at an event on Tuesday, October 22. And yes, that is the same date that Nokia is planning to announce the 6-inch Lumia 1520 Windows Phone and the retail on-sale date for Microsoft’s Surface 2 tablet.

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iOS7 and iPhones 5C and 5S Reviews

Zack Whittaker: ZDNet Full Article

The verdict is finally in on the new iPhones and the new mobile OS from Apple.  Here is a comprehensive report that will hopefully help you to decide whether to buy the new phone or to upgrade your current iPhone.


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Podcast 9/21/13: iOS7 Lands and Bing Takes Off

Show Notes:

iOS7 Has Landed:

2012 CalOur very own Sith Lord,  Cal Carson, will lead a discussion of the good, the bad and the amazing about Apple’s newest mobile operating system.  Is it time for you to switch?  Listen and decide.

iOS7 Battery Saving Tips Sports a New Look

bing logoBill Hankes, Communication Director for shares some of the highlights of the remake of Microsoft’s search engine (Bing) and the surprising places you will find it (hint: It’s Siri’s brain!)

Bing Preview

rick_broidaRick Broida, our Gadget Guy and the Cheapskate has some remarkable deals to tell you about including a 16″ USB drive monitor.  Don’t miss these deals.


Cheapskate Deals:

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly …

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iPhone 5S: Gold and Fingerprints

ZDNet iPhone 5S Report

iPhone 5C Report

Apple launched its brightest and cheapest new iPhones in an uncharacteristically low key event Tuesday, Sept. 10.  The iPhone 5 S confirmed all the rumors about its increased innards and capabilities which were considerable: faster processor, separate chip for motion, gold back frame available and the big surprise: a fingerprint reader.  While the capabilities of the phone, including a lot of great new photo features, were significantly increased, the handset itself stays essentially the same size and feel as the current iPhone 5.

The iPhone 5C was the colorful debutante at the ball dressed in hues ranging from yellow to pink and sporting available Apple rubber cases with remarkable colorful designs themselves. It had been hoped that Apple would use this phone made of cheaper materials as a way of breaking into the lucrative international markets like China, India and Brazil.  However it looks like Apple feels that they can still take the money and run; a policy which is leaving them in a distant second place to inexpensive but accessible Android phones by companies like Samsung.


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Podcast 1335 Hour 2 Sept. 7, 2013: Answering Listener Questions

Hour 2  Answering Listener Questions

Segment 1:

Guest experts Pepijn and Anne Bruienne share the story of an international romance on an IRC channel that led to their marriage.  Their son Jack (9) reveals his precocious passion for Minecraft and programming languages.

Segment 2:

Paul Sr.’s DVD/CD drive kept disappearing from his Vista computer every time that he would plug a USB thumb drive in.  Pepijn found the solution on a Microsoft Mr. Fixit solution at KB 314060.

Segment 3:

A listener from Inkster wanted to know where to recycle old computer equipment.  This led to a full discussion about the steps needed to do that and two recommendations for places that you can go to recycle:

  1. Global Electric Electronic Processing  Website about recycling in Michigan
  2. Global Tech Ministries: Charitable organization that takes used computers, refurbishes them for schools and missions in the US and overseas.

Segment 4:

A listener wanted to know if a 9 year old Gateway computer running XP SP2 could get a boost from putting a new SSD (Solid State Drive)  in it.  Could a 15 year old Tempest handle a new 12 cylinder V8?

Pepijn Bruienne is a certified Mac Developer as well …

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Podcast 1335 Hour 1 Sept. 7, 2013: Child Prodigy and Our Social Media Guru

Show Notes: Hour 1

What did you want to be when you were 9 years old.  Our remarkable young guest, Jack Bruienne has set his sights on becoming the CEO of Apple by the time he’s 29! We wouldn’t put it past him.  Jack won a prize recently on the show by being able to name the order of three former Apple operating systems.  No coaching needed; Jack has partitioned his white MacBook to run all three! The Apple (pardon the pun) hasn’t fall far from the tree because Jack’s dad, Pepijn Bruienne helps manage thousands of Macs across the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.  Mom, Anne Bruienne, is no slouch either; she’s a veteran eBay auctioneer from way back.

 Emily Hay, our Social Media Maven, updates us on some important networking opportunities coming up like Techonomy Detroit and help us sort out our tangled web of social media apps.  Should we be on LinkedIn, Google +,  Facebook or Tumblr…decisions, decisions. Emily’s company, HayThereSocialMedia is also collaborating on a program to improve teen driving safety called Show your school spirit on Instagram during Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy

Events: TedEx Detroit Wed. Oct. 2, 2013


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Jack Bruienne: The Next Steve Jobs?

Here is an outline of the topics and activities our 9 year old guest Jack Bruienne has involved himself with over the short course of his life so far.

• After having borrowed his Mom’s old Dell laptop to play educational games he “inherited” his first Apple iBook at age 3 from his grandmother who was buying a new MacBook.

• Early computer interests involved exploring maps on Google Maps (he knew names of streets around Ann Arbor and how to get places better than us pretty soon).

• Around age 5 when his iBook finally gave up the ghost he received a brand new MacBook for Christmas which was just in time because he “really needed an Intel-based Mac” to run Windows and newer Mac OS versions.

• At that time it became clear he had a very strong interest in Apple and everything they’ve done. With two heavy Mac users as parents that may seem logical but we consciously didn’t do a lot of pushing in any particular direction, he just followed his interests.

• There was more technology trickle-down as he took ownership of an old iPhone 3G and even older PowerMac and got up to speed …

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