Podcast 1335 Hour 1 Sept. 7, 2013: Child Prodigy and Our Social Media Guru

Show Notes: Hour 1

Jack Bruienne

Jack Bruienne

What did you want to be when you were 9 years old.  Our remarkable young guest, Jack Bruienne has set his sights on becoming the CEO of Apple by the time he’s 29! We wouldn’t put it past him.  Jack won a prize recently on the show by being able to name the order of three former Apple operating systems.  No coaching needed; Jack has partitioned his white MacBook to run all three! The Apple (pardon the pun) hasn’t fall far from the tree because Jack’s dad, Pepijn Bruienne helps manage thousands of Macs across the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.  Mom, Anne Bruienne, is no slouch either; she’s a veteran eBay auctioneer from way back.

Emily Hay

Emily Hay

 Emily Hay, our Social Media Maven, updates us on some important networking opportunities coming up like Techonomy Detroit and help us sort out our tangled web of social media apps.  Should we be on LinkedIn, Google +,  Facebook or Tumblr…decisions, decisions. Emily’s company, HayThereSocialMedia is also collaborating on a program to improve teen driving safety called Show your school spirit on Instagram during Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy

Events: TedEx Detroit Wed. Oct. 2, 2013

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of MiTechNews.com, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 


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