Archives for Social Media

A Losing Bet and Up Periscope

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A Losing Bet & Up Periscope

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Show Notes

Hour 1

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You Bet Your Life

Shane_HamelinLargerNew Jersey, Delaware and Nevada have opened the Pandora’s box of online gambling and more states want to fix their ailing casino industries by joining in.

Harmless entertainment or the tip of a massive societal iceberg?  Shane Hamelin tackles the subject of online gaming/gambling addiction.  How big is the problem, what is the fallout and what can be done for those who find themselves hooked online?


USA Today:  Online Gambling Spurs Addiction Fears


Online Gamblers Anon Logo[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”10345″ img_size=”Full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]

Up Periscope!

Sheri KamSocial media keeps expanding and its time for us to help you catch up with the latest trends.  Sheri Kam joins us once again to help explain some of the most recent tools that have been added to the toolbox for those who want to explore new ways of keeping in touch personally and professionally.  Sheri will look at the increased popularity of Snapchat, first used by teens to avoid detection by parents, and Periscope, one of the new video sharing social media tools.

Pericsope[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black” …

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spring-cleaningThe snow is starting to melt and everyone wants to start spring cleaning, no? If you are a small business owner, spring is a GREAT time to clean up your social media profiles – just in time for the busy summer and fall seasons.  

So what’s a small business owner to do?  Our experts at Hay There Social Media are here with Nine Tips to Spring Clean Your Social Media Profiles. Tidy up Twitter, freshen up Facebook and polish your Pinterest:

Here we go!  Full Story

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Social media's biggest hits and misses of 2013

Social media has invaded every aspect of our lives, and in 2013 that fact became more apparent than ever. Have a problem with a company? Tweet at them to solve it. See a billboard on your commute to work? Note the Facebook logo in the lower corner. Beyoncé announces the biggest album of the year where? On Instagram, of course.

Social media isn’t disappearing anytime soon, but the rules are still being written and it’s anyone’s guess as to where we go from this point. Here are the biggest social media triumphs and downfalls of the year.

For full story Click Here

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Emily Hay Recap 2013 and Predictions 2014

Social Media Recap of 2013x

By Emily A. Hay, Hay There Social Media

Lucky 13, right?  It may be more than luck that caused social media adoption rates to continue to grow among brands, small businesses and individuals alike.

Here’s a quick recap we’ve prepared for the end of the year Internet Advisor Show on WJR.  What social media trends do you remember from 2013?  What predictions are you most looking forward to in the new year?  We’d love to hear from you!

For Brands

–       In 2013, 54% of all marketers have acquired a customer through Facebook.  YouTube and Twitter come in second and third respectively as social networks that also allow brands to meet and do business with individuals they connect with.  (Source:

–       Social media use during the SuperBowl was 3x higher than in 2012.   2013 was the year of the famous social media win by Oreo for reacting quickly enough during the power outage with a tweet that said, “Power Out? No problem.  You can still dunk in the dark”  (Source:

For Small Businesses

–       From a Q3 report, total reviews on Yelp’s sites, where consumers rate and leave comments about local businesses such …

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5 Must have social media tools for Small Businesses

Emily Hay, CEO and Founder of, Oct. 24, 2013

Are you a small business owner? Does social media have your head spinning and thinking there just aren’t enough hours in the day? We know small business owners have a lot on their plate already simply with the ins and outs of running a business. Adding social media marketing can seem daunting (you ARE using social media marketing, right?).

Whether you are managing your own social media or have help from your team, here’s a list of five must-have social media tools that our experts at Hay There use regularly, talk about often and suggest you use to make your life easier. Perhaps you’ve heard of them or maybe you’ve tried a few. As heavy social media users, we think these are worth two “Likes” as they make your social media efforts and other work streamlined and more productive. Please be sure to let us know if you have questions!

Full Article

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Podcast 1335 Hour 1 Sept. 7, 2013: Child Prodigy and Our Social Media Guru

Show Notes: Hour 1

What did you want to be when you were 9 years old.  Our remarkable young guest, Jack Bruienne has set his sights on becoming the CEO of Apple by the time he’s 29! We wouldn’t put it past him.  Jack won a prize recently on the show by being able to name the order of three former Apple operating systems.  No coaching needed; Jack has partitioned his white MacBook to run all three! The Apple (pardon the pun) hasn’t fall far from the tree because Jack’s dad, Pepijn Bruienne helps manage thousands of Macs across the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.  Mom, Anne Bruienne, is no slouch either; she’s a veteran eBay auctioneer from way back.

 Emily Hay, our Social Media Maven, updates us on some important networking opportunities coming up like Techonomy Detroit and help us sort out our tangled web of social media apps.  Should we be on LinkedIn, Google +,  Facebook or Tumblr…decisions, decisions. Emily’s company, HayThereSocialMedia is also collaborating on a program to improve teen driving safety called Show your school spirit on Instagram during Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy

Events: TedEx Detroit Wed. Oct. 2, 2013


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Podcast 1335 Sept. 7, 2013: Child Prodigy and Our Social Media Guru

A child prodigy

Show Notes:

What did you want to be when you were 9 years old.  Our remarkable young guest, Jack Bruienne has set his sights on becoming the CEO of Apple by the time he’s 29! We wouldn’t put it past him.  Jack won a prize recently on the show by being able to name the order of three former Apple operating systems.  No coaching needed; Jack has partitioned his white MacBook to run all three! The Apple (pardon the pun) hasn’t fall far from the tree because Jack’s dad, Pepijn Bruienne helps manage thousands of Macs across the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.  Mom, Anne Bruienne, is no slouch either; she’s a veteran eBay auctioneer from way back.

 Emily Hay, our Social Media Maven, updates us on some important networking opportunities coming up like Techonomy Detroit and help us sort out our tangled web of social media apps.  Should we be on LinkedIn, Google +,  Facebook or Tumblr…decisions, decisions. Emily’s company, HayThereSocialMedia is also collaborating on a program to improve teen driving safety called Show your school spirit on Instagram during Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy

Events: TedEx Detroit Wed. Oct. 2, 2013

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly …

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June 15, 2013: The Gadget Guy and the Queen of Social Media

Show Notes:

Shane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech ExpertShane Hamelin:

rick_broidaRick Broida,

The Gadget Guy and legendary cheapskate shares three great deals:

Gadget Guy Special: Nook HD and Nook HD Plus Father’s Day Special

Emily Hay

Emily Hay:

The Queen of Social Media and CEO of Haytheresocialmedia keeps us up-to-date with the latest news:

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.


Hour 3:  Answering Listener Questions. 800-859-0957

Email your questions to us by going to the Contact Us button on our home page.  It’s as easy as that.

iTunes Logo LargeVideo: Behind the Scenes at the Internet Advisor


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Podcast Aug. 25, 2012: Saving Face for Parents (corrected)

Show Notes:

Emily Hay, of Hay There Social Media has developed a program to help parents deal with the social media and their tweens.  Emily is also our Internet Advisor Media Expert.

Sheri Kam: Mother of tweens and PR Director for both Parcells Middle School in Grosse Pointe, MI. Sheri was our guest along with  with her husband, Eric Kam in June . Sheri shares tips for parents.

Survive the Spike: Seth Samuels returned from the 2012 Olympics with a dream of preserving the excitement and connections through his website. Seth uses storytelling to preserve the energy of events through the model of Survive the Spike.

The Mac Minute with Erik Anderson Topics: Apple wins a $1 Billion+ verdict against Samsung. What are the implications for rest of smartphone market and tech in general?

Internet Advisor Takeaway: Downcast $1.99 on the App Store for iPhones.  Much better than free Podcast App.

If you are listening over the Michigan Radio Network or to our Podcasts (subscribe or download right here) , send us an email or drop your question in the Forums.

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