Eric Kam's Social Map

Eric Kam the initial blog started as a travel blog to keep my daughters up to date that I am OK and what I see when traveling. String Girl is a creation of my daughters (they both contributed) 14 and 12 years old, so I don’t get lonely on my frequent trips. Where the self-proclaimed-die-expert spouts off about manufacturing and sheet metal stamping!/SMEStampingDies The twitter feed I started specifically to promote the Stamping and Dies Techgroup of SME-Forming and Fabricating community!/erickam my personal twitter feed the site of the Stamping and Dies Technical group on LinkedIn

Sheri Kam


Currently PR Director for both Parcells Middle School, and Parcell Holiday Art and Craft Bazaar. I am a
former PR Director to General Physics of Troy, MI, and Copithorne & Bellows Agency of San Francisco, CA. Here are is the link to our Bazaar pages:
Facebook –

Twitter –!/Parcells_Bazaar

Facebook group –


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