Archives for Apple

Apple Releases Massive OS X Update

Apple released a monstrous package of fixes for 134 vulnerabilities in OS X 10 (Snow Leopard) software. To put this in perspective, Microsoft, which release a monthly package of fixes would have to combine the last six months to come close. Someone at MS is having a little chuckle and Mac users better wipe that smug grin off their faces. I’d love to see the Apple vs Microsoft ad for this one! LOL

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Internet Advisor Tech Roundtable #4 11/02/10

Ed Rudel joins his fellow tech expert Cal Carson and co-host Foster Braun to review the hottest topics on the Internet:

Apple Passes RIM Now 4th Largest Phone Vendor

China Claims World’s Fastest Supercomputer

New Wi-Fi Direct standard ratified which will allow devices from different manufactures to establish a micro networks.

Limewire is finally shut down by court order

Ed Rudel Reviews: The new color Nook from Barnes and Noble & The HP Slate tablet computer

Click here for IA Tech Roundtable 4

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Internet Advisor Tech Roundtable #3 10/23/10

Gary Baker, Cal Carson and Foster Braun discuss a week full of exciting news for Apple fans and lots of other tech topics:

Lost Children Get Help From QR Codes:

Internet Phenomenon Report

For Apple, a Week of Hot Air and Market Share

Apple Dumps Flash

Slate is a Motorcycle and iPad is a bicycle.

Google Street Views Disasters

Click here to listen: IA Tech Roundtable 3

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Internet Advisor Tech Roundtable #2

Fresh off the press here is this week’s IA Tech Roundtable with Gary Baker, Cal Carson and Foster Braun.  Topics of discussion included:

Windows 7 Phones whole new way of doing smart phones with less is more. Smackdown vs. Android and iPhone.

-Facebook and Skype in Deal

-Oct 20 new Apple OS Lion? Apple shares soar on news of Verizon iPad sales.

– Why NASA could help rescue Chilean miners.

-Microsoft releases biggest-ever security update.

Also this week, Erik “Macboy” Anderson has a special web exclusive Mac Minute podcast, discussing the Verizon iPad and previewing Apple’s upcoming press conference.

Click here for this week’s: IA Tech Roundtable 2

Click here for this week’s: Mac Minute Podcast

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No iPhone for Verizon

No I-phone for Verizon, anytime soon.  Apple wants a 4G network.    Does this mean Sprint is a contender for Christmas, 2010? Full Story

Ed Rudel

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Podcast August 21, 2010

Passwords are everywhere and every site seems to want a new one.  How do  you create secure or strong passwords and where do you save them? Gary Baker, Foster Braun and our original Tech Expert, Tom Diroff provide some practical tips during the first hour and the staff surprised Foster with a birthday cake.  The second hour is dedicated to answering listeners’ questions.

Podcast Hour 1 August 21, 2010

Podcast Hour 2 August 21, 2010

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Municipalities Buy iPads to Save on Paper

The iPad has primarily been recognized as a consumer media device and not as a business tool.   That is slowly changing as people in all walks of life are finding ways of using their iPads in their daily pursuits.  One such case could save a small town nearly $18,000 in paper costs.  Read full story in USA Today.

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Companies doing business on the iPad

Who says the iPad is just a consumer fad?  Businesses are finding ways of using this computing platform to get work done more efficiently and perhaps kill a few less trees.  Full story

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Podcast: August 7, 2010

Our guests this week are Art and Jennie McCafferty, owners of GLSP, a media company that publishes travel and sport related content in print, online and video.  During the past 10 years they have produced over 3500 videos, 1404 on You Tube alone, for their five online television channels. They will  speak about how publishing has been impacted by the modern communication technologies as well as their impact on the sports of golf and running.

Erik Anderson brings us the latest Apple news with The Mac Minute.  And as always the second part of the show is all about you and your questions. Don’t forget to visit our Internet Advisor Facebook page for interesting stories that our hosts collect during the week from the world of technology.

Remember to visit the Internet Advisor Forums any time you have a tech question;  lots of people are just waiting to pitch in and help you with your problems any day of the week.

Podcast: August 7, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: August 7, 2010 – Hour 2

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Podcast: July 31, 2010

You might call the topic for our show this week: Browser Wars.  In the past, few people thought about choosing a browser for surfing the Internet because the majority of us used PC’s running Microsoft operating systems equipped with Internet Explorer.  Nowadays there are a lot of other options and depending on  your point of view, much better options.  This week join Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Cal Carson and Foster Braun as they discuss the pro’s and con’s of the browsers you can use to surf the Internet.

We will start our open lines during the first hour for your computer questions and you will also enjoy our weekly The Mac Minute with Erik Anderson giving you the latest Apple news.

Podcast: July 31, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: July 31, 2010 – Hour 2

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