Monthly Archives August 2010

Scientists Invent Super Capacitor…Your Battery on Steroids!

It’s the Onion Capacitor – when combined with today’s slow charging Lithium Ion batteries, are capable of powering a  Laptop for days at a time and cell phone for Weeks.  A Capacitor can be charged in seconds and then, in turn, charge the slow Lithium-Ion batteries used to power most portable electronics.

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Scientist have finally invented a super capacitor – No, not the FLUX capacitor from the 80s movie, “Back to the Future”.
It’s the Onion Capacitor – when combined with today’s slow charging Lithium Ion batteries, are capable of powering a  Laptop for days at a time and cell phone for Weeks.  A Capacitor can be charged in seconds and then, in turn, charge the slow Lithium-Ion batteries used to power most portable electronics.  Read the entire article. Ed Rudel

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How to Block Facebook Places

Facebook took away another piece of your privacy the other day when they activated Places which lets everyone know where you are whenever you use Facebook whether you want them to or NOT.  Mark Zuckerberg may want his buds to know when he’s using the WC but I prefer to keep that item of national security to myself.  Here are directions for removing the Places listing from your Facebook setting.

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New Kindle Released with 3G

Amazon is heating up the ereader market with the introduction of the newest Kindle that now contains 3G connectivity and not just WiFi.  Wonder which carrier will benefit the most from this and what this means for future functions on the Kindle?  Full Kindle Review

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10 Things the Internet Has Killed or Ruined (and 5 Things It Hasn't)

For good or for bad the Internet has had an incredible impact on things that we thought we would never see the end of like Yellow Pages!  Find out who the victims and victors are in this interesting article from PC World.  (Ed Rudel)

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Podcast August 28, 2010

Dave Buchanan and Steve Bostedo
r, from Jackson, Michigan, co-hosts of “The iPad Show” .  It’s a great story of how a couple of guys with a passion have become digital stars.
The iPad Show

Damian McGlothlin, Ann Arbor high school senior, developed a brilliant website, , that allows people to donate to specific needy individuals rather than to organizations.  Every penny helps those in need.

Phil Bundo, is co-owner of CompuQuest USA Inc,  a new program sponsor of the Internet Advisor. Phil and his family owned company have 12 years of experience servicing homes and businesses all across Southeast Michigan out of their store in Sterling Heights.
CompuQuest USA Inc

Hour 1 8-28-10

Hour 2 8-28-10

Starting Sept. 4th we will be preempted and moved around a lot, as in past years, because WJR is the voice of both MSU Football and Basketball.  Keep your eyes on our homepage and Facebook page for show times and upcoming topics and you’ll never have to miss a show because we always post the podcasts here following each live program.

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Another Security Company Gets a Big Cash Infusion

Quick, hang out a shingle as a security company!  Money keeps flying their way.  This time the luck recipient is AVAST which is about to get $100 million to help them defend us.  Hope this really translates into more security.  Whose next?  Microsoft buys Symantec?!  Ed Rudel

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The Do's and Dont's of Creating Strong Passwords

This article will outline some of the basics of setting up strong passwords that won’t be easily broken by hackers.  That doesn’t mean that they are unbreakable, but it does mean that it will take a hacker a little longer to try and crack it and that means wasted time for them.  You become a less desirable target as they quickly move on, in most cases, to try and find easily cracked passwords.  Take some time to look this list over and print it out for your future reference and/or pass it on to friends. Do’s and Dont’s of Password creation.

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Intel to Buy MacAfee Security Firm

The giant of the chip making world has announced that it is buying one of the larger security firms for nearly $8 Billion dollars.  Mediocrity pays off big!?!?  MacAfee has taken some big hits recently for underperforming but that may have been just the thing that put them at a price point for Intel to snatch up.  Still, one has to wonder what future plans the world’s largest chip maker has in buying a security software firm. Could we be looking at the security baked into the hardware at its deepest level?  Full Article (Ed Rudel)

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Podcast August 21, 2010

Passwords are everywhere and every site seems to want a new one.  How do  you create secure or strong passwords and where do you save them? Gary Baker, Foster Braun and our original Tech Expert, Tom Diroff provide some practical tips during the first hour and the staff surprised Foster with a birthday cake.  The second hour is dedicated to answering listeners’ questions.

Podcast Hour 1 August 21, 2010

Podcast Hour 2 August 21, 2010

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Municipalities Buy iPads to Save on Paper

The iPad has primarily been recognized as a consumer media device and not as a business tool.   That is slowly changing as people in all walks of life are finding ways of using their iPads in their daily pursuits.  One such case could save a small town nearly $18,000 in paper costs.  Read full story in USA Today.

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