News Flash: New Podcast Channel Opens!
Show Notes:
Hour 1
Team Rush Wins FIRST Robotics State Championship
Steve Hyer and Team Rush members, Cameron Razdar and Jennifer Ray report on their exciting win and the upcoming World FIRST Robotics Championships in St. Louis, MO on April 25, 2014.
Click Here to Listen to Steve Hyer and Team Rush
Stopping the Bleeding from Heartbleed
Richard Stiennon, Chief Research Analyst at IT-Harvest, is a noted security expert and our frequent contributor, gives us the big picture on the Heartbleed bug which has been described as one of the worst security holes in Internet history because of the depth of impact. Ironically it has been generally unexploited for over two years until it was discovered recently by security researchers. Richard gives us the big picture of the consequences of this bug and what we can do about it.
Click here to listen to Richard Stiennon
Firefox Browser Plug-in That Checks for Heartbleed Vulnerability
The Business of Promoting Michigan’s Business
Business makes Michigan tick and Michigan’s businesses are the primary concern of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Mike Finney, President and CEO of the MEDC joins us to talk about …
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