Archives for Tool Kit

Podcast: January 14, 2012

Hour 2:

The Team share emails and call listeners to answer their computer and Internet questions.

Note that during Network shows you can email your question to us by clicking the Contact Us button on the homepage and sending us an email.  Be sure to include your phone number and you could  be one of the listeners we consult with over the phone during the Network show.

Podcast: January 14, 2012 – Hour 1
Podcast: January 14, 2012 – Hour 2

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The Internet Advisor Salutes SEMCO 35th Anniversary 3-6 PM Sat. April 9

The first hour of our show is dedicated to an organization that has been around for 35 years supporting PC enthusiasts.  Guests: Steve Yuhasz, Jim Rarus, Bob Clyne and Warner Mach. (See our Internet Advisor Facebook page for a complete photo gallery.)  We’ll not only talk about the history of computing but discuss “The Future is Now”. Ed Rudel will have a special segment on “Successful Searching”, tips to help you find exactly what  you’re looking for on the Internet.

SEMCO Special Interview

Ed Rudel Special Search Tips

IA Podcast Hour 1 4-9-11

IA Podcast Hour 2 corrected

IA Podcast hour 3 4-9-11

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New additions to Ed's Excellent Toolkit

Hit the Toolkit button at the top of this page and you will find some great additions to our  weapons for combating malware: Microsoft Security Essentials,  Comboxfix, and SUPERAntispyware.  The best news is that they are free or have good freemium services, i.e. they can work for free but offer some additional services etc. if you pay a subscription.  A good example is our favorite Malware Bytes. The free version does a great job hunting down viruses and other malware but it is not active all the time, unless you pay a yearly subscription of $24.95; then it actively hunts for, stops and/or destroys the malware before it has a chance to infect your machine.

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Ctrl-Alt-Del What is all this junk

Ctrl-Alt-Del – Items in Task Manager

Have you ever pressed Ctrl-Alt-Del on your PC, looked in the Task Manager Processes tab and wondered what all those programs currently running were?

  • You may have pressed those three keys because your computer was hung and you wanted to reboot your computer.
  • Maybe you have wanted to end some of those programs because the Microsoft Scan Disk or Defrag utilities are not completing or because your PC is running very slowly and you want to find out “who” is responsible.
  • Or maybe, your like me and wonder – How did all this junk get loaded, what is it, and is it safe to end it or stop it from running?

Well, I have found a couple of sites that attempt to identify all those application running in the background.  These should help you identify applications or services and give you clues as to if it is part of the operating system, a device connected to your computer, or installed software.  After you identify it, then you can make a decision on if you need to uninstall and reinstall some software, update or reinstall a devices software driver, or prevent the software from loading …

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