Archives for Show

Podcast 1339 Oct. 5, 2013: The Gadget Guy: No Contract Cellphones and Moving from Win XP to Win 8

Rick Broida is one of favorite experts and a serious gadget junkie.  Better yet, Rick specializes in finding the absolute best price for those gadgets because he IS the Cheapskate.  This show is focused around two topics near and dear to Rick’s hearts.  Listen carefully for wise comments and great tips.

Show Notes:

Cell Phone Deals

Rick really wants to talk about the new batch of low-cost, no-contract smartphones from FreedomPop, Republic Wireless, and Virgin Mobile. And a good companion topic: my two-year contract just ended, now what?

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of th iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 


Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with the Internet Advisor.

The Cheapskate’s

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Podcast 9/28/13: Special 3 Hour Show: Cyber Security Summit, ESD, iPads in the Classroom & MichBioTech

Cyber Summit

Show Notes

Hour 1:

Michigan Cyber Security Summit Oct. 25 Kalamazoo, MI

Dan Lohrmann, Michigan Chief Security Officer

Michigan is breaking onto the national scene as one of the leaders in the battle for Cyber Security thanks to our Nerd in Chief, Gov. Rick Snyder.  Dan will outline some of the highlights of this conference that has room for both business and individuals.

Engineering Society of Detroit

Darlene Trudell, ESD President shares the scope of The Engineering Society of Detroit,  community outreach activities, such as The Michigan Regional Future City Competition and Engineering SMArT Detroit to promote students’ interest in science and technology.

Hour 2

Mich Bio Tech: Michigan at the Vanguard of Healing Technology

Dr. Stephen Rapundalo,  MichBio Executive Director, talk about the MichBio Expo  Oct. 15-16 in Kalamazoo.

Dr. Rapundalo has spent many years in the Bio Tech world and will share Michigan’s unique place in research and development and the role that bio tech is playing in our economy.


Detroit Catholic Central Requires iPads in the Classroom


Fr. John Huber, Principal at CCHS explains why this venerable institution of higher learning finds itself on the cutting edge of technology.

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly feature …

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Podcast 9/21/13: iOS7 Lands and Bing Takes Off

Show Notes:

iOS7 Has Landed:

2012 CalOur very own Sith Lord,  Cal Carson, will lead a discussion of the good, the bad and the amazing about Apple’s newest mobile operating system.  Is it time for you to switch?  Listen and decide.

iOS7 Battery Saving Tips Sports a New Look

bing logoBill Hankes, Communication Director for shares some of the highlights of the remake of Microsoft’s search engine (Bing) and the surprising places you will find it (hint: It’s Siri’s brain!)

Bing Preview

rick_broidaRick Broida, our Gadget Guy and the Cheapskate has some remarkable deals to tell you about including a 16″ USB drive monitor.  Don’t miss these deals.


Cheapskate Deals:

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly …

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Podcast September 14, 2013: TED Xcitement in Detroit

In 1810, following a fire that all but destroyed the frontier city of Detroit, Fr. Gabriel Richard coined a phrase which became the city’s motto: Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus. We hope for better things; It shall rise from the ashes.

Show Notes:

TedX Detroit Logo

That same spirit drives TedX Detroit ,the gathering of “…the area’s leading creators, catalysts, entrepreneurs, artists, technologists, designers, scientists, thinkers and doers on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 to share what they are most passionate about – positive ideas for the world from Detroit.”

Cahrlie WollborgCharlie Wollborg, along with a few cool friends, helped bring the acclaimed TED conference to Michigan in the form of TEDxDetroit.

Valerie Sobczak, is the curator of TEDx Labs extra geeky gadget tech & art expo. Tuesday, Sept. 17, MacGregor Center, Wayne State University in Detroit.

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 




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Podcast 1335 Hour 2 Sept. 7, 2013: Answering Listener Questions

Hour 2  Answering Listener Questions

Segment 1:

Guest experts Pepijn and Anne Bruienne share the story of an international romance on an IRC channel that led to their marriage.  Their son Jack (9) reveals his precocious passion for Minecraft and programming languages.

Segment 2:

Paul Sr.’s DVD/CD drive kept disappearing from his Vista computer every time that he would plug a USB thumb drive in.  Pepijn found the solution on a Microsoft Mr. Fixit solution at KB 314060.

Segment 3:

A listener from Inkster wanted to know where to recycle old computer equipment.  This led to a full discussion about the steps needed to do that and two recommendations for places that you can go to recycle:

  1. Global Electric Electronic Processing  Website about recycling in Michigan
  2. Global Tech Ministries: Charitable organization that takes used computers, refurbishes them for schools and missions in the US and overseas.

Segment 4:

A listener wanted to know if a 9 year old Gateway computer running XP SP2 could get a boost from putting a new SSD (Solid State Drive)  in it.  Could a 15 year old Tempest handle a new 12 cylinder V8?

Pepijn Bruienne is a certified Mac Developer as well …

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Podcast 1335 Hour 1 Sept. 7, 2013: Child Prodigy and Our Social Media Guru

Show Notes: Hour 1

What did you want to be when you were 9 years old.  Our remarkable young guest, Jack Bruienne has set his sights on becoming the CEO of Apple by the time he’s 29! We wouldn’t put it past him.  Jack won a prize recently on the show by being able to name the order of three former Apple operating systems.  No coaching needed; Jack has partitioned his white MacBook to run all three! The Apple (pardon the pun) hasn’t fall far from the tree because Jack’s dad, Pepijn Bruienne helps manage thousands of Macs across the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.  Mom, Anne Bruienne, is no slouch either; she’s a veteran eBay auctioneer from way back.

 Emily Hay, our Social Media Maven, updates us on some important networking opportunities coming up like Techonomy Detroit and help us sort out our tangled web of social media apps.  Should we be on LinkedIn, Google +,  Facebook or Tumblr…decisions, decisions. Emily’s company, HayThereSocialMedia is also collaborating on a program to improve teen driving safety called Show your school spirit on Instagram during Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy

Events: TedEx Detroit Wed. Oct. 2, 2013


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Podcast 1335 Sept. 7, 2013: Child Prodigy and Our Social Media Guru

A child prodigy

Show Notes:

What did you want to be when you were 9 years old.  Our remarkable young guest, Jack Bruienne has set his sights on becoming the CEO of Apple by the time he’s 29! We wouldn’t put it past him.  Jack won a prize recently on the show by being able to name the order of three former Apple operating systems.  No coaching needed; Jack has partitioned his white MacBook to run all three! The Apple (pardon the pun) hasn’t fall far from the tree because Jack’s dad, Pepijn Bruienne helps manage thousands of Macs across the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.  Mom, Anne Bruienne, is no slouch either; she’s a veteran eBay auctioneer from way back.

 Emily Hay, our Social Media Maven, updates us on some important networking opportunities coming up like Techonomy Detroit and help us sort out our tangled web of social media apps.  Should we be on LinkedIn, Google +,  Facebook or Tumblr…decisions, decisions. Emily’s company, HayThereSocialMedia is also collaborating on a program to improve teen driving safety called Show your school spirit on Instagram during Local 4 Friday Football Frenzy

Events: TedEx Detroit Wed. Oct. 2, 2013

MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly …

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Podcast 1334 Full Show Aug. 31, 2013: Fall Tech Roundtable

tech storm

Hour 1: Guests and Roundtable

It’s the last gasp of summer and the calm before the gadget hail storm predicted for fall 2013. Our technology team ponders what the playing field will look like this fall after some big changes.

Gary, Ed, Cal, FosterShane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech Expert

  • Will Apple’s show on Sept. 10 recapture the magic that seems to have gone.
  • What will Microsoft look like post-Balmer?
  • Windows 8.1 and the new Surface computers
  • Wearable computing a fad or the future?
  • Is there a tablet in the future of most Windows XP users?

Phil Little

Joining our tech panel: Phil Little, President and CEO Synthacon, high tech consultancy. Phil pioneered 3 D imaging technology.

Hex Nano copter: Kickstarter campaign raised 1,000X what they asked for.

  • Leap Motion: Interactive 3D Technology now available at Best Buy

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.

This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 


Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration

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Podcast 1334 Hour 1 Aug. 31, 2013: Fall Tech Roundtable

tech storm

Hour 1 8/31/13

It’s the last gasp of summer and the calm before the gadget hail storm predicted for fall 2013. Our technology team ponders what the playing field will look like this fall after some big changes.

Gary, Ed, Cal, FosterShane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech Expert

  • Will Apple’s show on Sept. 10 recapture the magic that seems to have gone.
  • What will Microsoft look like post-Balmer?
  • Windows 8.1 and the new Surface computers
  • Wearable computing a fad or the future?
  • Is there a tablet in the future of most Windows XP users?

Phil Little

Joining our tech panel: Phil Little, President and CEO Synthacon, high tech consultancy.

3D Scanning and nano helicopters are just some of his interests.

Hex Nano copter: Kickstarter campaign raised 1,000X what they asked for.

Leap Motion: Interactive 3D Technology now available at Best Buy

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.

This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 

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Podcast 1333 Hour 1 Aug. 24, 2013 :Turning Sunshine into Electricity and Rick Broida on Watch Tech

Explaining Solar Power

Show Notes:  (Hour 2 Available in Podcasts)

John Barrie, APTECH  (Appropriate Technology Collaborative) creates new sustainable technologies that promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for low income people worldwide.  They design, develop, demonstrate and distribute affordable technological solutions that empower people and promote dignity.


Justin Baker: Gary’s son just returned from a project that installed solar panels on isolated farms in Guatemala to provide electricity as part of Justin’s Eagle Scout project. Visit Justin’s Facebook page for details and more pictures of the project.



Rick Broida, The Gadget Guy: Talks about the upcoming gadget launch season, discusses Steve Balmer’s resignation from Microsoft and its impact and HOT Watch the latest in ticking tech.

Cheapskate Special Deal: SuperWrite Word Processor

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.

This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with

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