Podcast 1333 Hour 2 Aug. 24, 2013 :Tech Answers For Listeners

Gary, Ed, Cal, Foster

Hour 2:  Answering Listener Questions. 

Show Notes:  (Hour 1 Available in Podcasts)

Segment 1: John Barrie, APTECH  (Appropriate Technology Collaborative)

Segment 2: Dave from Romeo Problems getting a router to work after some changes.

Segment 3: Contest winner   Ruth in Belleville has never had a computer and wants to know what to buy.  Decision making for the non-geek.

Segment 4: Paul from Ann Arbor amateur photographer asks about SDIO WiFi Card and Ed shares about helping  his son set up a router at college.

Email your questions to us by going to the Contact Us button on our home page.  It’s as easy as that.


MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 

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