Archives for Podcasts

Podcast: September 11, 2010

Join us for a late night edition of the Internet Advisor with Foster Braun, Gary Baker, and Ed Rudel.  This week we will look at the next world war which may be taking place right now … Online!  Richard Stiennon, author of Surviving Cyber War and a syndicated security blog , will talk about the next cyberwar and how we can prepare for it.  Erik Anderson will also be back with The Mac Minute to keep you up to date with the latest Apple product information.

Also joining us, Amy Tyrrell to tell us about Buddy Walk, a fundraiser to help families of children with Down Syndrome through the Down Syndrome Group of Southeast Michigan. 1 in 800 children are created with Down Syndrome and each year they thrive more and more due to greater awareness which creates greater acceptance for all.

As usual our second hour will be dedicated to helping you with your computer problems.  Don’t miss the chance to get some free expert advice simply by calling 1-800-859-7950 or 1-800-859-0WJR

Podcast: Richard Stiennon
Podcast: September 11, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: September 11. 2010 – Hour 2

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Special Internet Only Interview: Mrs. Wizard

Because the show was preempted by MSU Football, we present you with a special podcast.  This week’s interview is with Cindy O’Neil otherwise known as Mrs. Wizard.  She has been helping people for over 15 years both in her hometown, Memphis, TN, and around the globe through her excellent website.  You’ll also find out about her latest outing: a blog about the Kindle (Amazon’s Ebook Reader).   (Foster Braun)

Mrs. Wizard

Mrs. Wizard Interview (approx. 20 minutes.)

As your Labor Day BBQs near, I thought you might be specifically interested in checking out Kayem’s Franksteiner application ( which allows you to create your very own hot dog recipes. Upon entering the hot dog laboratory, you can choose from a selection of more than 20 toppings to “dress up your dog.” Upon completion, you can submit your creation to the hot dog gallery for your chance to win coupons from Kayem.
So before traveling to the supermarket for tons of hot dog toppings this coming weekend, be sure to visit the site to test out what works and what doesn’t!

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Podcast August 28, 2010

Dave Buchanan and Steve Bostedo
r, from Jackson, Michigan, co-hosts of “The iPad Show” .  It’s a great story of how a couple of guys with a passion have become digital stars.
The iPad Show

Damian McGlothlin, Ann Arbor high school senior, developed a brilliant website, , that allows people to donate to specific needy individuals rather than to organizations.  Every penny helps those in need.

Phil Bundo, is co-owner of CompuQuest USA Inc,  a new program sponsor of the Internet Advisor. Phil and his family owned company have 12 years of experience servicing homes and businesses all across Southeast Michigan out of their store in Sterling Heights.
CompuQuest USA Inc

Hour 1 8-28-10

Hour 2 8-28-10

Starting Sept. 4th we will be preempted and moved around a lot, as in past years, because WJR is the voice of both MSU Football and Basketball.  Keep your eyes on our homepage and Facebook page for show times and upcoming topics and you’ll never have to miss a show because we always post the podcasts here following each live program.

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Podcast August 21, 2010

Passwords are everywhere and every site seems to want a new one.  How do  you create secure or strong passwords and where do you save them? Gary Baker, Foster Braun and our original Tech Expert, Tom Diroff provide some practical tips during the first hour and the staff surprised Foster with a birthday cake.  The second hour is dedicated to answering listeners’ questions.

Podcast Hour 1 August 21, 2010

Podcast Hour 2 August 21, 2010

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Podcast: August 14, 2010

A tablet computer for just $35!  Scam or miracle?  That is the question we will explore today with Mike Elgan tech expert, nationally recognized blogger and host of Mike’s List.  Mr. Elgan believes that this is part of a pattern of sensational headlines that the Indian tech industry is using to create more propaganda than computers.  Join Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Cal Carson and Foster Braun as we explore this news headline and others with Mike Elgan and catch up on the latest Apple news with Erik Anderson and The Mac Minute.

Of course the main part of our program is spent answering your computer questions.  Remember that the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask!  We look forward to hearing from you and giving you a helping hand.  Don’t forget that our Forums are open for your questions 24/7;   just click on Forums on the toolbar.

Interview Podcast: Mike Elgan
Full Show odcast: August 14, 2010 – Hour 1
Full Show Podcast: August 14, 2010

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Podcast: August 7, 2010

Our guests this week are Art and Jennie McCafferty, owners of GLSP, a media company that publishes travel and sport related content in print, online and video.  During the past 10 years they have produced over 3500 videos, 1404 on You Tube alone, for their five online television channels. They will  speak about how publishing has been impacted by the modern communication technologies as well as their impact on the sports of golf and running.

Erik Anderson brings us the latest Apple news with The Mac Minute.  And as always the second part of the show is all about you and your questions. Don’t forget to visit our Internet Advisor Facebook page for interesting stories that our hosts collect during the week from the world of technology.

Remember to visit the Internet Advisor Forums any time you have a tech question;  lots of people are just waiting to pitch in and help you with your problems any day of the week.

Podcast: August 7, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: August 7, 2010 – Hour 2

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Podcast: July 31, 2010

You might call the topic for our show this week: Browser Wars.  In the past, few people thought about choosing a browser for surfing the Internet because the majority of us used PC’s running Microsoft operating systems equipped with Internet Explorer.  Nowadays there are a lot of other options and depending on  your point of view, much better options.  This week join Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Cal Carson and Foster Braun as they discuss the pro’s and con’s of the browsers you can use to surf the Internet.

We will start our open lines during the first hour for your computer questions and you will also enjoy our weekly The Mac Minute with Erik Anderson giving you the latest Apple news.

Podcast: July 31, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: July 31, 2010 – Hour 2

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Podcast: July 24, 2010

Tune in this weekend for some special guest hosts and a whole bunch of unique topics.  Foster Braun is joined by a special crew of experts: Vince Chmielewski, owner of  VC Web Design, Kurt Hines, guest tech expert and IT specialist, Rachel Kelly, a specialist in Social Networking and Meaghan McCann who is an expert in AdWords/AdSense.  Guests include: Stephen Clark, news anchor for WXYZ-TV (ABC) to talk about tweeting during the newscasts and Brian Mefford, CEO of Connected Nation to talk about Connect Michigan their new interactive map of broadband coverage in Michigan.  And as always Erik Anderson brings us the latest Apple news with The Mac Minute.

The second hour of the program is all about finding answers to your computer questions.

Show Links: Irfanview:  Classic, free application (PC only) that handles just about every/or audio or video file type developed by Austrian Irfan Skiljian.

Podcast: Stephen Clark, News anchorman, WXYZ-TV, Detroit
Podcast: Brian Mefford, Connected Nation
Podcast: July 24, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: July 24, 2010 – Hour 2

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Podcast: July 17, 2010

So are you going to fix your $200 iPhone 4 with duct tape?!?!  What a week for Apple but in the end they admitted they really do have problems with their shiny new phone.  Join Foster Braun, Ed Rudel, Cal Carson and Erik Anderson as we talk about this week’s big media story with Terry White, president of MacGroup Detroit.  Also joining  us: Jamie McCarthy (son of long time WJR host JP McCarthy) to talk about New Voices and Visions, a unique online program for WJR listeners with specially produced video features which he co-hosts along with Christianne Sims, Director of Fusion the Detroit Regional Chamber.  The program is a wildly creative mix of video and audio covering exciting events and personalities around Detroit.

Don’t forget that our second hour is dedicated solely to finding answers to your computer questions.  

Podcast: Jamie McCarthy
Podcast: Terry White
Podcast: July 17, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: July 17, 2010 – Hour 2

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Podcast: July 10, 2010

As a special treat this weekend, we ask our two favorite tech guys, Ed Rudel and Cal Carson, and co-host Foster Braun, to reveal a favorite application that they just couldn’t live without.  As always Erik Anderson has the latest tidbits of Apple news on The Mac Minute as well.

Podcast: July 10, 2010 – Hour 1

Podcast: July 10, 2010 – Hour 2

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