Archives for Security Breach

6 More Retailers Attacked Like Target

Jeremy Kirk, PC World Jan. 18, 2014

Cybercriminals have stolen payment card data from six more U.S. retailers using similar point-of-sale malware that compromised Target, a computer crime intelligence company said Friday.

The conclusion comes from a study of members-only forums where cybercriminalsbuy and sell data and malicious software tools, said Dan Clements, president of IntelCrawler, which conducted the analysis.

The retailers have not been publicly named, but IntelCrawler is providing technical information related to the breaches to law enforcement, Clements said in a telephone interview Friday.

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Podcast June 9, 2012 Stuxnet: America's Cyber War Offensive?

Show Notes:

A whole new species of aggressive software is waging cyber war around the world.  The week of June 4th allegations were published that President Obama’s administration approved the unleashing of Stuxnet which targeted Iranian nuclear facilities with incredible precision.  Fact or Internet Myth?  On this show with the help of two experts we explore the possibilities of America’s role in this new type of global warfare.

Richard Stiennon, frequent IA guest and security expert and industry analyst, is known for shaking up the industry and insightful commentary like his recent Forbes column on Olympic Games, the code name for America’s cyber warfare initiative. He recently relaunched the security blog and is the co-author of Cyber Styletto, a novel dramatizing the next field of mortal combat.

Gen.(ret) Michael V. Hayden

  • Director, Central Intelligence Agency (2006 – 2009)
  • First Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (2005 – 2008)
  • Director, National Security Agency (1999 – 2005)
  • As Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, General Hayden was responsible for overseeing the collection of information concerning the plans, intentions and capabilities of America’s adversaries; producing timely analysis for decision makers; and conducting covert operations to thwart terrorists and other …

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    Cardholders Hit by Security Breach: Good week for Bad Guys

    Payment processor Global Payments suffered a security breach affecting MasterCard and Visa, according to The Wall Street Journal. The breach was closed and no first level data such as user name, account number or SS ID were leaked, but Visa still dumped Global Payments for allowing the leak to happen in the first place.


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