Archives for IE 9

Podcast: June 25, 2011

Foster Braun, Ed Rudel, Kurt Hines, Erik Anderson

Show Notes:

Foster Braun, Ed Rudel and Kurt Hines will also discuss some changes coming to Malwarebytes and the changing world of Anti-virus software. Erik Anderson (Mr. Mac) brings his weekly The Mac Minute for the select who just can’t go a week without their dose of Apple rumors!  😉

And of course our second hour is YOUR hour to call us with your computer and internet problems.

Podcast: June 25, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: June 25, 2011 – Hour 2

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It's Time to Move Up to IE9

Windows Secrets is a great free monthly newsletter about all things Windows and, while it can get a bit high tech at times, it also has excellent insight into Microsoft’s key players.  This month security expert Susan Bradley is encouraging Vista and Win 7 PC owners to move up boldly to Internet Explorer 9. See if you agree.

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IA Tech Roundtable #9 12/26/10

Click here for: IA Tech Roundtable #9 (approx 40 Min.)

2010 Tech Review Show Notes:

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IE 9 Beta is available for the brave.

Microsoft’s latest attempt at dealing with competing browsers like Firefox and Chrome is surprisingly satisfying because in the past MS has produced a bloated product with lots tools and hidden twists and turns.  Taking a note from the competition IE 9 Beta is refreshingly sleek and speedy.  Read the full commentary from About Computers and note the link to the official IE 9 Beta download site and the bottom of the article.

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Internet Explorer 9 Beta Launches

IE 9 BetaMicrosoft’s premier browser commands one in three visits to the Internet but in recent years has steadily lost ground to feisty competitors like Mozilla’s Firefox or Google’s lightning fast Chrome (both of which have Apple flavors while IE doesn’t!)  September 15 Microsoft announced the launch of its newest Internet Explorer 9.  Catch Ina Fried’s commentary on CNet about the launch and the new feature sets in the upgraded IE 9 Beta.

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