Archives for News

The billion dollar web site you paid for

  for Between the Lines |


Perhaps no news about, the Federal healthcare exchange website and supporting systems, is shocking anymore. We all know that it was an utter disaster at launch on October 1, 2013 and was completely unusable for some time thereafter. But eventually they got it to the point of being usable, so no harm no foul, right?

You may not think so after reading the recent GAO (Government Accountability Office) report HEALTHCARE.GOV — Ineffective Planning and Oversight Practices Underscore the Need for Improved Contract Management. The report is embedded at the bottom of this story.

Infrastructure as a Service providers make a very compelling argument for businesses to stop running their own data centers and simply purchase server capacity on-demand and scale up and down as needed. This is our deep dive on IaaS strategy and best practices

Not only was the project a technical disaster — development was originally supposed to be complete October 1, 2013, but the schedule is now for the end of 2014 — but it has cost far, far beyond what was budgeted and far further than what could be called reasonable for such a

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 for Between the Lines |

It’s a common scene from TV: Our hero sneaks into the villain’s office, plugs in a USB stick and — flash! — all the secret plans to conquer Chicago are sucked down into the thumb-drive. The only fiction is how fast it takes to download data. In the real world, office data thieves walk out with stolen data everyday on their flash drives.

USB memory sticks may prove far more dangerous for your company than you’d ever imagined.

It could be worse. USB sticks can also carry malware. Or, as SRLabs security researchers Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell propose to show at Black Hat, an ordinary USB pen drive can be turned into an automated hacking tool.

The base problem, according to the pair, is “USB has become so commonplace that we rarely worry about its security implications. USB sticks undergo the occasional virus scan, but we consider USB to be otherwise perfectly safe — until now.”

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Is Russia Poised to Retaliate Against Sanctions With Cyber Attacks?


August 7, 2014 By Richard Stiennon

Way last April, a time when the world seemed a more peaceful place, Leon Panetta and Richard Clarke were quotedwarning of impending Russian cyber attacks in the wake of an escalating response from the West to Russia’s intransigence in the Ukraine.

While there have certainly been a spate of defacements that are two sided and confusing to sort out during this burgeoning conflict, there has been nothing as dramatic as the Estonia ’07, or Georgia ’08 attacks.

But things have changed. In the wake of the downing of passenger jet MH17 the European Union and United States have come together to impose combined economic sanctions against Russia. According to the New York Times thesanctions include “the closing of European capital markets to Russian state banks, an embargo on new weapons sales and the transfer of sophisticated oil drilling technology.”

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Russian Super Hack Nets Over 1 Billion Records

A Russian crime ring has amassed the largest known collection of stolen Internet credentials, including 1.2 billion username and password combinations and more than 500 million email addresses, security researchers say.

The records, discovered by Hold Security, a firm in Milwaukee, include confidential material gathered from 420,000 websites, including household names, and small Internet sites. Hold Security has a history of uncovering significant hacks, including the theft last year of tens of millions of records from Adobe Systems.

Full Article New York Times

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Senate blasts mobile carriers for profiting from phony fees

AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile all allegedly “crammed” customers with third-party charges that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, Senate report says.

The Senate has joined the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commission in chastising the four top US wireless carriers for skimming money from customers.

In a lengthy report (PDF) released by Senate Commerce Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) on Wednesday, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile are accused of a practice known as “cramming,” in which wireless carriers allow mystery fees to appear on consumers’ phone bills without notification.

These mystery fees are typically fraudulent and unauthorized third-party charges, ranging from $1.99 to $19.99 a month, for things like ringtones or “premium” services, such as a daily horoscope. Users don’t normally see these charges because they’re buried deep within monthly phone bills.

The report calls cramming a “widespread” problem and says that “hundreds of millions of dollars” in unauthorized charges have likely racked up on users’ monthly phone bills.

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Falling tablet sales: The problem is they're just too good

 for Mobile News |

If you follow the news of the mobile tech industry, you have likely seen stories about dropping tablet sales. These are often accompanied by an analysis that wonders if the buying public is ready to cast tablets aside and move on the something new.

The latest example of tablets in the news was an interview of Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly by Walt Mossberg of Re/code. Joly made the statement that tablet sales are “crashing,” and that set analyst pens into overdrive. Fact is, Joly went on to admit that “crashing” is a strong term.

I don’t think that interest in tablets is waning, everywhere you go you see owners happily using one tablet or another. They carry them everywhere they go and whip them out every chance they get. They have replaced the laptop in many cases for many owners.

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How one judge single-handedly killed trust in the US technology industry

By  for Between the Lines |

Some people volunteer at shelters. Some people play video games. Some work tirelessly for 80 hours a week for the sake of their startup.

Some destroy the global trust in the US technology industry.

In a single two-hour courtroom session on Thursday morning — just in time for lunch — US District Judge Loretta Preska ruled on a case that has massive global implications for US technology giants.

It’s not like there was much left in the wake of the Edward Snowden disclosures, which threw nine Silicon Valley giants under the global surveillance bus more than a year ago. But we were coming to a point where our collective trust levels in these companies, which are fighting for their right to disclose government data request figures, were slowly rising — at least in the US.

To the outside world, lack of trust was still a big issue. Particularly for Europe. As the closest continental friend to the US, there was a lot of work that needed to be done.

But as relations were beginning to improve, the US judiciary decided that, for the purposes of its own law enforcement …

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IA Review of Samsung Galaxy 5S

Galaxy S5

The Galaxy S5 has been held up as the finest example of what Samsung has to offer in smartphones.  It’s big, fast, beautiful and functional.  However, I have to say that in this case I was surprised to find that not all that glitters is gold. Listen to this review for the full details.

I would also like to thank Teresa Mask and the folks at the  AT&T who have allowed me to use many of their devices for review during the past year.  I has been invaluable to be able to work with these smartphones, tablets and other devices like the portable hotspots to be able to evaluate them for our listeners.

Click Here to Listen to Foster’s Galaxy 5S Review

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Unlocking phones in the US will soon be legal

The Verge By Jacob Kastrenakes on   

Consumers in the US will soon be able to legally unlock their phones for use on other wireless networks. The House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill this afternoon legalizing cell phone unlocking, following the lead of the US Senate earlier this summer. President Obama came out in support of the policy over a year ago, spurring this activity in Congress, and now all that’s left is for him to sign this bill into law — which the president has said that he’ll do.

“The bill Congress passed today is another step toward giving ordinary Americans more flexibility and choice, so that they can find a cell phone carrier that meets their needs and their budget,” Obama says in a statement. “I commend Chairmen Leahy and Goodlatte, and Ranking Members Grassley and Conyers for their leadership on this important consumer issue and look forward to signing this bill into law.”

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Microsoft hands out 18,000 pink slips

CNET  by   July 17, 2014

Satya_NadellaMicrosoft CEO Satya Nadella on Thursday laid out plans to cut as many as 18,000 jobs in the next year.

The software titan had been widely expected to announce the cuts today, but the magnitude of the layoffs was surprisingly large. A vast majority of the cuts — 12,500 — will come from professional and factory positions from the recently acquired Nokia devices and services division.

Microsoft said the company is working on reducing the first 13,000 positions, and many of the employees will be notified in the next six months.

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