Archives for News

Facebook Adds New Messaging System

It isn’t quite email, but Facebook thinks that its new messaging system, Titan, is the wave of the future for digital messaging and considering that they now daily host over 375 million message/day, they could change the way we communicate.  Don’t think that those of us who use email will necessarily give up our current clients to flock to FB but Mr. Zuckerberg is confident that texting teenyboppers will.  Here is a great explanation of the system by Rafe Needleman from CNET.

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A New Twitter is Coming!

What could it be?!  Click more and watch the YouTube preview.

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Apple Releases Massive OS X Update

Apple released a monstrous package of fixes for 134 vulnerabilities in OS X 10 (Snow Leopard) software. To put this in perspective, Microsoft, which release a monthly package of fixes would have to combine the last six months to come close. Someone at MS is having a little chuckle and Mac users better wipe that smug grin off their faces. I’d love to see the Apple vs Microsoft ad for this one! LOL

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Thank you to all who have served in our Armed Services!


We salute all who have selflessly served their country and ensured the freedom we enjoy today!

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Bad Week for Blackberry Enterprise

First it was Dell announcing that they are going to switch 25,000 of their employees over from Blackberries to Windows 7 Phones.  Then to pour a little more salt in the wound, Citibank and Bank of America said that they were going to ditch the Crackberry in favor of Apple’s iPhone.  Rats jumping ship?

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Detroit Free Press, now there's an ap for that!

The Detroit Free Press is stepping into the 21st Century finally by publishing aps for iPhones and Blackberry phones.  Compared to other news sites, this works pretty well on the iPhone and right now it’s free!  Good time to try it.

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World's Tallest Mountain Gets WiFi!

This is really going to chafe those of you who are still on dial up:  Mt. Everest now has its own 3G network to help climbers communicate with the outside world!

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China Claims World's Fastest Supercomputer

Maybe it’s because the HPC 2010 Conference is being held in Beijing, China, but it looks like the Sleeping Dragon has leapfrogged the US in Supercomputing capacity.  China claims that the Tianhe-1A, unveiled Thursday, set a performance record of 2.507 petaflops, easily surpassing the current record holder, the Cray XT5 Jaguar.

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Netflix Gobbling Up Bandwidth

Used to be that we were concerned with all those rascals bit-torrenting and taking up all the bandwidth.  Turns out that legitimate download site Netflix is taking up 20% of all available bandwidth!  Check out this interesting report on Internet usage around the world.

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First Impressions of New MacBook Air

Here is the firsthand report from the folks at CNET after 24 hours playing with Apple’s newest laptop. This was probably the biggest part of the Apple announcement this week.  Look for more in depth comments both from Erik Anderson’s Mac Minute and the new Internet Advisor Tech Roundtable coming soon.

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