Archives for News

Consumer Electronics Show Preview 2012

Here’s a preview of CES 2012, traditionally THE event for launching new tech products.  This year, however will be the swan song for Microsoft at the big Vegas show. More and more big tech companies are eschewing the ginormous costs of exhibiting in favor of their own Developer’s Conferences.

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Top 10 Tech Breakthroughs of 2011

Science raced ahead at ever quickening pace in 2011.  Check out this list of the 10 most exciting discoveries of the past year which will impact our lives for years to come. Extreme Tech Slide Show.

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Bill Gates Says Yes… He Won't Be Back

The founder of Microsoft put to rest the rumors that he was going to be returning to take the helm of his corporation.  Seems Bill and his wife are just fine, thank you , handling their charitable concerns even though many have opined that MS would find its direction again in Mr. Gates returned. Full Story

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HP Makes webOS Open Source

Technology company Hewlett-Packard says it’s making its webOS mobile software available as open-source software that any developer can use and modify freely.


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Bad Week in Court for Apple

The company Steve Jobs founded may be riding high on sales right now but there were a few big bites taken out of his Apple this week.

  1. China ruled that the iPad may not be sold under the Apple trademark

  2. in that massive Asian market.  But , heck, with all the counterfeit Apple products being made by unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers, who would have been able to tell the difference?

  3. Apple lost a lawsuit with Samsung allowing it to sell its tablets in Australia.

  4. Apple products could face German ban thanks to Motorola victory.

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AT&T Customer Service Worst for 2nd Year

If you are an AT&T customer this may not be breaking news. Consumer Reports has once again named AT&T as the very worst communication company for customer service. Consider the irony of the fact that AT&T is fighting the FCC ruling that it can’t gobble up T-Mobile which has been noted as one of the BEST customer service communication companies!

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Look Who’s Tops on Cyber Monday Sales

It’s not likely a surprise to anyone, but on-line activity in the retail category has increased year-after-year and this year was no exception, according to a Brand Keys survey. Cyber Monday got off to a turbo-charged start with an increase of traffic of nearly 25%, which translated to nearly $1.25 billion in sales.
According to the Brand Keys Holiday Survey, here’s how online retailers ranked, the top-15, when it came to customer visits:
1. Amazon
2. Wal-Mart
3. Apple
4. Target
5. Zappos
6. Best Buy
7. Kohls
8. Sears
9. JCPenney
10. Macy’s
11. Toys R Us
12. Kmart
13. Overstock
14. Bed, Bath, and Beyond
15. GameStop


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Free Desktop Connect For Mac's AND PC's

Need to connect to and control a Mac from your PC?  One quick and easy solution can be found in Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop feature.


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Bell Ringers Go Digital for Salvation Army

One of the most revered traditions of the holiday season is getting an upgrade.  Salvation Army bell ringers have braved the cold for decades ringing their tiny bells to raise support for the charities efforts.  Now donors can come in from the cold and give online as well.

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Thai Floods Threaten the Cloud

Floods of the century have ravaged Thailand devastating cities and ruining the economy.  One of the unintended victims may be the Cloud, the place where more and more computing is done.  Full Story

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