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6 More Retailers Attacked Like Target

Jeremy Kirk, PC World Jan. 18, 2014

Cybercriminals have stolen payment card data from six more U.S. retailers using similar point-of-sale malware that compromised Target, a computer crime intelligence company said Friday.

The conclusion comes from a study of members-only forums where cybercriminalsbuy and sell data and malicious software tools, said Dan Clements, president of IntelCrawler, which conducted the analysis.

The retailers have not been publicly named, but IntelCrawler is providing technical information related to the breaches to law enforcement, Clements said in a telephone interview Friday.

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Michigan's Brain Drain

The net migration rate of young, college-educated individuals — more widely known as brain drain — in Michigan was -2.2% in 2012. The last time the state experienced a gain among this demographic was 2004.

About 19,000 young, college-educated people (aged 22-34) migrated to the state in 2012, and roughly 28,000 individuals left. The net loss of about 9,000 people results in a -2.2% domestic migration rate of this segment of the population, according to research by Ryan Gimarc, economic analyst, at the Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives.

In addition, Gimarc found:  Read full article

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How to Work Around Straight Talk's Lack of Visual Voicemail


As I mentioned in my recent post comparing no-contract iPhone options, last month I ditched AT&T in favor of Straight Talk, which gives me more or less the same exact service for considerably less money.

Just one problem: Straight Talk doesn’t support visual voice mail. In fact, on my iPhone 4S, I receive no notification whatsoever that new messages are waiting for me. It’s not often an issue, but the last thing I want is to miss an important message from a work contact or family member.

I immediately thought of YouMail, a visual voice mail service that’s actually more robust than what’s built into iOS. Alas, according to a YouMail support page, the service doesn’t work with Straight Talk (unless you’re willing to jailbreak your iPhone and monkey around with APN files).

Consequently, I’d just about written off any kind of voice mail for my iPhone. But it turns out there are two options, both of which work quite well. Here’s how to get set up with either of them:

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Double Robot – Your Virtual Self at Work

What happens when you combine an iPad and a Segue type vehicle?  You…virtually in your office…perhaps.  Double Robot is a simple combination of an iPad mounted on a long pole attached to a mobile base that is self-propelled and controlled by the user on the other end of the line.  You can run the DR either through an iOS app on your phone or through a Chrome browser and propel it using the up, down and sideways keys on the keyboard.

Rick Broida was accosted by a disarmingly beautiful woman (virtual that is) in a Double Robot when he was at CES 2014 recently. He said that it was rather disconcerting to deal with a person inside the screen addressing him personally and requiring conversation.  The practical potential of the $2,500 machine (+ $200 charging station) is for telecommuters in office situations who want to have a presence in the company.

Fans of NCIS Los Angeles (CBS TV) will have already watched Heatie (the diminutive boss) rolling around the halls in a Double Robot.  Now, you heard it on the Internet and seen it on TV so it must be real!  ;-D

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MacWorld Best of CES 2014

The best of CES from the editors of TechHive and PC World Magazine.

Our 10 top CES 2014 products include:

  • Best Home Tech Product: Revolv
  • Best Car Tech: 2015 Hyundai Genesis
  • Best Entertainment Product: Samsung U9000 Curved Ultra UHD TV
  • Best Mobile Product: Filip
  • Best Laptop: Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch
  • Most Innovative Product: Origin ChronoS Steam Machine
  • Best Prototype: Razer’s Project Christine
  • Best Gaming Product: Nvidia Tegra K1
  • Best Health & Fitness Product: Basis Carbon Steel Edition
  • Best Wearable Tech: Voyce Wellness Monitor For Dogs

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CES 2014 Overview

Digital Trends, Andrew Couts, Jan. 11, 2014

All in all, CES 2014 was a massive success – the year that the tech world’s biggest trade show shed its dead weight and started to look lively again – which answers one of our big questions about the show. Just as we expected, this year’s CES offered a healthy dose of innovation and straight-up awesomeness. And the whole team here at Digital Trends is more pumped than we’ve been in a long time about the year in tech to come.

But there’s some business to attend to before we get ahead of ourselves: Prior to CES 2014, Iidentified five questions about the future of tech that I hoped the show would answer. With the image of Las Vegas literally fading out of view beneath my flight out of this sordid town, here’s a rundown of what I found.

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iPhone Marketshare Shrinking

Lawrence Whitney, CNet News

Apple’s smartphone sales have risen following the release of the iPhone 5S and 5C. But its rivals have chipped away at the company’s longer-term market share, according to market researcher Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.

Looking at the global smartphone market for the three months ending November 2013, Kantar found that Apple’s share had dropped in almost all regions compared with the same period in 2012. During that stretch, the iPhone’s market share fell by 9.9 percent in the US, by 6.5 percent in the European Union Five, and by 1.5 percent in China.

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Social media's biggest hits and misses of 2013

Social media has invaded every aspect of our lives, and in 2013 that fact became more apparent than ever. Have a problem with a company? Tweet at them to solve it. See a billboard on your commute to work? Note the Facebook logo in the lower corner. Beyoncé announces the biggest album of the year where? On Instagram, of course.

Social media isn’t disappearing anytime soon, but the rules are still being written and it’s anyone’s guess as to where we go from this point. Here are the biggest social media triumphs and downfalls of the year.

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Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2014

Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2014

Analysts Examine Top Industry Trends at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2013 October 6-10 in Orlando
Gartner, Inc. today highlighted the top ten technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations in 2014.  Analysts presented their findings during Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, being held here through October 10.
Gartner defines a strategic technology as one with the potential for significant impact on the enterprise in the next three years. Factors that denote significant impact include a high potential for disruption to IT or the business, the need for a major dollar investment, or the risk of being late to adopt.
A strategic technology may be an existing technology that has matured and/or become suitable for a wider range of uses. It may also be an emerging technology that offers an opportunity for strategic business advantage for early adopters or with potential for significant market disruption in the next five years. These technologies impact the organization’s long-term plans, programs and initiatives.
“We have identified the top 10 technologies that companies should factor into their strategic planning processes,” said David Cearley. “This does not necessarily mean adoption and investment in all of the listed technologies, …

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Isaac Asimov’s 1964 Predictions About 2014 Are Frighteningly Accurate

The famed science fiction writer had a pretty good bead on what our coming year would look like… 50 years ago!

Buzzfeed posted on August 28, 2013 at 4:30pm EDT
In 1964, famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov ventured a guess at what you might find if you set foot inside the 2014 World’s Fair . Using his gift for envisioning future technology, Asimov’s predictions from 50 years out are both stunningly accurate and perhaps a little bit depressing. Here’s a look at what he got right. Full Article

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