Archives for News

GoFundMe Reviews

As more and more people become digitally connected, more organizations are turning to online websites for their fundraising campaigns. The ease of donating money through the internet has resulted in several different websites that allow fundraisers to create profiles and solicit donations online. There are literally dozens of websites to choose from that allow you to start a project. We recently began our own online fundraising campaign, and explored several of these websites. We noticed right away that each website has various strengths and weaknesses in terms of their functionality and cost. Read on to see our reviews of each, and let us know if you agree or disagree.…

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Tesla Dreams of Building Gigafactory for Batteries

CNET Week in Review

As car companies go, Tesla is still very much wet behind the ears, but in terms of awareness and sales it must be treated very seriously indeed. CEO Elon Musk knows that the future is bright and so is making a big investment — after making it possible for others to make their own investments. The company is taking on an additional $1.8 billion in investments to help gear up for production of the company’s so-called “Gen III” car, the one that’ll come after the (recently delayed) Model X and should be far more affordable than the company’s current Model S.
More noteworthy, though, is a plan to build the world’s greatest battery factory. Dubbed a “gigafactory” by Musk himself, the plan is to build a plant big enough to make more batteries in 2020 than the entire world produced in 2013. That is quite aspirational to say the least, but so is launching a satellite into orbit, and Musk’s SpaceX has done that on numerous occasions. Look for the plant to begin construction sometime in the next year or two and, if all goes according to plan, it’ll be based somewhere in the southwestern US, …

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CNET Mobile World Congress Roundup


It’s been a busy week here in Barcelona, Spain, at Mobile World Congress, dear readers. Enough phones and tablets and other display-having devices were launched over the past five days to make even the most gadget-hungry enthusiast feel a bit overwhelmed. And, too, came a zillion wearables of various shapes and sizes, tracking all manner of biometrics.
So many devices that I could well and truly spend the entirety of this week’s entry giving you the full rundown. But that’d be a shame, as you see our own Jason Jenkins has already done that for you, rounding up our favorite devices from the show in this handy list that’s just a click away. So, as he’s gone and done that…

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Bitcoin Exchange Files for Bankruptcy

Mt. Gox, the embattled Bitcoin exchange, has filed for bankruptcy protection after falling into a state of disarray earlier this month in the wake of a security lapse that led to fraudulent withdrawals.
The exchange’s CEO, Mark Karpeles, announced the news in Tokyo on Friday, saying that Mt. Gox lost nearly 750,000 customer bitcoins, as well as 100,000 of the exchange’s own bitcoins. The total number of lost bitcoins translates to nearly $500 million at the current exchange rate, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
At the Tokyo press conference, Karpeles expressed contrition about Mt. Gox’s crash, and sought to separate that development from the larger Bitcoin movement. “First of all, I’m very sorry,” he said, according to Reuters. “The bitcoin industry is healthy and it is growing. It will continue, and reducing the impact is the most important point.”

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How to Change Win 8.1 to Look Like Win 7

In response to a recent request for help, Ed Rudel outlined some of the ways you can change your Start Menu to look just Windows 7 but benefit from all the improvements under the hood in Windows 8.1.


I think it would be best solution would be to configure Windows 8 to boot into the Desktop mode.  The Windows 8.1 update allows for this.  Then I would download and install one of several programs that were created specifically to make Windows 8 look and feel like Windows 7.  These utilities are: Classic Start or Skip Metro Suite.  The Classic Start can be installed from (bottom right side of the site) and Skip Metro from

This is a Leo Laporte Twit video that describes this procedure.  As usual, it is 20 minutes long and has lots of overhead and not enough details but it make you feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Classic Shell is described in this Category 5 video (less bantering)

Ed Rudel

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Microsoft Launches Rebranded OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive)

By  for All About Microsoft |

Microsoft is making OneDrive, its rebranded SkyDrive cloud storage service, available globally as of February 19.

Microsoft officials announced the new branding for its cloud storage service, formerly known as SkyDrive, in late January. Microsoft was obliged to change the name of the service after a loss of a trademark battle with British Sky Broadcasting Group over the “Sky” name.

Existing SkyDrive customers don’t have to do anything to move to OneDrive; their files are already in OneDrive and can be accessed by logging into with their existing SkyDrive credentials. Updated OneDrive apps for Windows Phone, Android phones and iPhones are available for download in their respective stores.

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Aereo Banned in Western States


SALT LAKE CITY — A Utah judge on Wednesday blocked TV streaming company Aereo Inc. from operating in several Western states, at least until the U.S. Supreme Court takes up a related case in April.

Broadcasters have argued Aereo is stealing TV signals without paying. Aereo says the tiny antennas it uses to capture signals before relaying them over the Internet should be treated the same as antennas that people use to pull TV signals for free.

District Judge Dale Kimball, who ruled Wednesday, argued that Aereo’s retransmission of video signals is “indistinguishable from a cable company.” He said that if Aereo continued to do business, it would damage broadcasters’ ability to negotiate with legitimate licensees, siphon viewers away from their websites and subject them to potential piracy.

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Urgent Apple Security Update

The Register, By Chris Williams, 21st February 2014

Apple has updated its mobile operating system iOS to patch a bug that blows apart the integrity of encrypted connections.

Versions 7.0.6 and 6.1.6, available now for download, fixes a vulnerability that could allow “an attacker with a privileged network position” to “capture or modify data in sessions protected by SSL/TLS,” according to the iPhone maker. This is due to theSecure Transport component of the operating system failing to validate “the authenticity of the connection,” suggesting some sort of failure to verify the certificate or identity of whatever system a vulnerable iDevice was connected to.

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Michigan Solar Panel Manufacture is a Family Business

Allan O’Shea is a pioneer in alternative energy resource development in Michigan.  What began as a Wind Power project in the basement of a Detroit Police precinct has evolved into a multi-billion dollar international Wind Energy movement around the globe.  Currently Allan has moved to the Traverse City area where he has established a solar panel manufacturing company staffed by family members.  As a guest on our 2/15/14 show Allan spoke about the resurgence of the solar panel construction business in Michigan despite political and energy industry resistance.

Contractors Building Supply Solar Panel Manufacturing

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All American Credit Cards Will Disappear In 2015 And Be Replaced With New Tech

Every credit card in the U.S. will be replaced by October 2015 with new cards that contain the chip-and-PIN technology that the rest of the world has had for years, according to the Wall Street Journal.Both Visa and MasterCard are committed to the switch, which will render extinct the plastic in your wallets and purses right now.

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