Monthly Archives December 2013

Podcast 1351: Predictions 2014



Show Notes

Hour 1

Gary Baker

 Gary: IT and Enterprise 2014



2012 Ed   Ed: for Windows and Microsoft 2014



2012 Cal

Cal: Apple 2014


MiTechNews Report

Weekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by  the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan and Warner, Norcross & Judd attorneys at law: how well protected and capitalized is your intellectual property. . 

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with the Internet Advisor.


*** Mike Brennan: 2014 top headlines

Hour 2:

Shane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech Expert

Shane Hamelin: 2014 Facebook Fails



Foster Braun

Foster Braun: 2014 Apple Smart Watch


Richard Stiennon

Richard Stiennon: Security 2014

 2013 The Year Trust Died Statement



Emily Hay and Sheri Kam: Social  Media 2014



Mike AmmannMike Amman: eCommerce and Globalization 2014


Sending Your Questions to the Show During Sports Season

Email Questions to the Internet Advisor’s tech team quickly and simply 24/7.

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Each …

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Gary Baker 2014 IT/Enterprise Predictions

We talked a little SMAC last year, but we are really going to talk SMAC in 2014.  My job is to make predictions about technology in the enterprise, so we are going to be talking enterprise-level SMAC.

SMAC stands for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud.

Social – Most businesses have dabbled in it so far with maybe a Facebook page to compliment its Web site.  Most business people see the advantages of using LinkedIn and are probably getting some targeted news and maybe participating in a discussion or two through their affinity groups.  But, 2014 will be the tipping point where businesses will be expected to have more than a passing presence.

Mobile – There are two sides to the mobile equation.  Of course there are more and more mobile devices in the work place even though business are reducing the number of employees that are provided a smartphone or tablet.  BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is an official policy at some companies and employees are encouraged to BYOD and the company will allow them to access the wireless network and gain access to their company email and other information.  At other companies without a formal BYOD …

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Isaac Asimov’s 1964 Predictions About 2014 Are Frighteningly Accurate

The famed science fiction writer had a pretty good bead on what our coming year would look like… 50 years ago!

Buzzfeed posted on August 28, 2013 at 4:30pm EDT
In 1964, famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov ventured a guess at what you might find if you set foot inside the 2014 World’s Fair . Using his gift for envisioning future technology, Asimov’s predictions from 50 years out are both stunningly accurate and perhaps a little bit depressing. Here’s a look at what he got right. Full Article

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T-Mobile About to Blow Telco's Minds?

T-Mobile CEO John Legere hinted that his company was about to make another big splash in the wireless industry and if this report from TmoNews is accurate then he wasn’t kidding. An unnamed source tells TmoNews that T-Mobile is planning an initiative that would pay off subscribers’ early termination fees if they switch from a rival carrier to T-Mobile. Specifically the source said that the company is planning “a project codenamed ‘Houdini’ which will give switchers up to $350 in credit when they switch to TMO” with a particular emphasis placed “on families switching up to 5 lines regardless of contract end dates.”

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The Year Trust Died on the Internet

2013 The Year Trust Died Online

We had something beautiful. An Internet born of Wild West enthusiasm, fueled by free and unfettered commerce, and just beginning to shape a new world without constraints where sovereign borders meant less and less while human interactions and instantaneous organization meant more and more.

All that died with the revelation from Edward Snowden that in fact the NSA and other intelligence agencies had tapped into the Internet stream to take advantage of an intelligence windfall. The NSA, with a little help from its friends has siphoned off email, texts, phone calls, and geo-location data to spy on practically the whole world. In an unrestrained rush to capture everything it has destroyed everything that made the Internet good.

Where to begin? Apparently the NSA steals data from Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Apple, and Skype. It taps the undersea fiber optic cables from which it can derive geolocation data for all cell phone calls. It targets the cell phones and email accounts of world leaders. It infiltrates standards bodies such as NIST and the IETF to subvert crypto standards. It bribes vendors of encryption products to use these corrupt standards.

The fall out has been remarkable. Yes, …

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Podcast 1350 Dec. 21, 2013: Cyber Santa and 2013 in Review

Cyber Santa

Show Notes:

Hour 1:

Predictions  2013: How did we do?

2013 in Review

Gary Baker

Gary: 2013 in IT and Enterprise



2012 EdEd: 2013 for Windows and Microsoft



2012 CalCal: 2013 for Apple



Mike BrennanMike Brennan: 2013’s top headlines


MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by  the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with the Internet Advisor.

Hour 2:

Richard StiennonRichard Stiennon: Security in 2013

 The Year Trust Died Statement


Foster Braun

Foster Braun: RIP Balmer and Blackberry


Answering Listener Questions



Click here to donate to Salvation Army holiday fundraiser.


Sending Your Questions to the Show During Sports Season

Email Questions to the Internet Advisor’s tech team quickly and simply 24/7.

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Each week we will collect the …

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Cyber Santa's High-tech Sleigh

Cyber Santa

Alex Hillsberg

The fat jolly man is not tech slacker.  He is stepping up the bitstream to keep up with digitally savvy kids.  Here is an article that looks at all the ways that Santa could use technology.

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Podcast 1349 12/14/13: Gadget Guy Tech Awards and Mateen's Passion

Show Notes:

Gadget Gift Countdown

rick_broidaRick Broida, renowned Cheapskate and Gadget Guy presents his Tech Awards for 2013.  You might find some of them surprising until you realize that Rick is also the author of The Cheapskate Rules, available now on

Gadget Guy Tech Awards for 2013

  1. Best Smartphone: MotoX from Republic Wireless
  2. Best Tablet: Amazon Kindle Fire HDX
  3. Best Peripheral: NeatConnect (Cloud scanner + monthly service)
  4. The Worst Tech Idea: Amazon Prime Air (deliver by drones)



A Passion to Help

Mateen Cleaves1 Goal 1 Passion drives Mateen Cleaves to help 1,000 needy families in Michigan this holiday.  Cleaves led a victorious Spartans to the NCAA basketball title in 2000.  Now the Fox Sports Detroit commentator brings that same drive to organizing fellow athletes in this great cause.  You too can be part of fulfilling his passion.  Visit 1Goal1Passion


MiTechNews Report

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by  the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our 

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Aereo Says "Bring It On" in Supreme Court Cage Match

CNet, Dec. 12, 2013

It’s David and Goliath death cage match in the nation’s highest court.  Aereo is the upstart company which helps people cut the cord on local TV by delivering all of it over the Internet for $8/month.  The big ISP’s have lost case after case trying to shut down Aereo and the little company that could just agreed to take them on in the nation’s highest court for all the marbles.

Full Story

Aereo Formal Statement

Today marks a significant step in our fight to modernize television access and protect consumer rights. This afternoon, Aereo filed a brief in response to the broadcasters’ petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. We’ve decided not to oppose this cert petition.

While the law is clear and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and two different federal courts have ruled in favor of Aereo, broadcasters appear determined to keep litigating the same issues against Aereo in every jurisdiction that we enter. We want this resolved on the merits rather than through a wasteful war of attrition. Consumers have the right to use an antenna to access the over-the-air television. It is a right that should be protected and preserved and

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Five ways Surface RT beats Android tablets

Tech Republic

Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, famously said, “You can converge a toaster and a refrigerator, but those things are probably not gonna be pleasing to the user.” However, Surface RT was a different story. In fact, I’ve increasingly been using Surface RT more than any of my Android devices. Here are five reasons why.
1. Microsoft reimagined the OS
Windows 8 wasn’t a mature mobile OS, but the interface leverages mobile touch devices in a form that follows function. iOS and Android both took a classic icon-based desktop design, shrunk it down to smartphones, and then expanded it to run on larger tablets. Microsoft reimagined the OS to work around the device. Gestures take some practice to master, but they make navigation more intuitive. Windows 8 on a touch device gets out of your way. The actions become natural to interact with apps, to navigate through the OS, and to organize and customize the platform.
I recently talked to someone who said that when they go back to their non-touch Windows desktop, they find themselves reaching out to perform touch actions. I found the same thing when returning to Android tabs after using Surface RT. When you miss features …

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