Archives for PC Mike

Screwed again: FCC to cut deal with big business

Capitol under attackMike Wendland: May 8, 2014

If you use and depend on the Internet, you about to get screwed by the government and big business.
Unfortunately, most Americans are too ignorant to care.
But make no mistake, the FCC’s telegraphed plans to allow so-called Internet fast lanes to be set up by the likes of Comcast so that big buck companies like Netflix, Google, Amazon and Disney can have special access to stream their programing into your homes faster than their competitors who can’t afford to pay, will have a disastrous effect.
It will stifle innovation and end up costing consumers more. After all, you don’t think those huge, filthy rich corporations will pay those special fees, do you? They will pass them along to their customers.
It is the ultimate example of the way-too-cozy relationship between the government regulators (who usually go to work for the companies they regulate) and the big businesses who use their wealth to buy influence.
This whole thing just sickens me.

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Podcast 1401: Jan. 4, 2014 First Things First & Roadtreking


Show Notes:

So you got a new computer. What are the first things you should do to ensure smooth sailing? How about that old computer or laptop, is it ready for 2014?Throughout this show we will be giving you tips on how to get your  new and old computers ready for the new year.

Hour 1

PC Mike Goes Roadtreking

Super Healthy Mike Wendland

Mike Wendland, a legend in Michigan TV and Radio is also  one of the most knowledgeable  commentators on technology. Mike shares his new pursuit, taking high tech on the road in his mobile home with his wife and dog.  Follow their travels at Roadtreking.

MiTechNews Report

Mike Brennan

Weekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by  the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan and Warner, Norcross & Judd attorneys at law: how well protected and capitalized is your intellectual property. . 

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with the Internet Advisor.


Hour 2

First Things First

Gary, Cal and

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March 9, 2013: The Gadget Guy and the RVing Reporter


Working at home at risk?

Show Notes:

Rick Broid, CNet Blogger

The Gadget Guy, Rick Broida: Roku box, the Sonos Playbar, iPad rumors and the best Tax software deals. Rick is also the reigning Cheapskate who always has incredible deals.  Magazine deal with Next Issue app.

Super Healthy Mike Wendland

PC Mike Becomes RVing Reporter: Mike Wendland, a long time local and national reporter on technology has taken up yet another career: Roving the country in his RV and reporting on the American Road. Visit Mike at Roadtreking. with Mike Brennan:

Mike Brennan

Our new weekly report on the latest headlines about technology and entrepreneurs in Michigan with seasoned reporter Mike Brennan.


Phone ringingHour 2: Call in 1-800-859-0957



Welcome Michigan Talk Network Affiliates




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Sun 12p-1p





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Podcast: December 17. 2011

Mike Wendland (aka PC Mike) joins us to talk about his Super Healthy Me campaign.  Then as PC Mike he will pull out his crystal ball and tell  us what he sees coming in 2012.

Steve Hyer, CEO of IGD Solutions will talk about the role of ISP.  Everything you’ve wanted to ask your Internet Provider but never had the chance to.


Podcast: December 17, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: December 17, 2011 – Hour 2
Podcast: December 17, 2011 – Hour 3

Happy Holidays and Healthy New Year from the Internet Advisor


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