Archives for haunted houses

Podcast April 20, 2013: High School-Hi Tech High, Ghosts and Terrorists Caught

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Show Notes:

Digital Manhunt

FBI finds two needles in a video haystack to catch those responsible for Boston Marathon bombing. Incredible web of video footage assembled from everywhere quickly snared two random faces in the crowd leading to the death of one suspects and the capture of the other later in the day, Friday.

iPads will replace textbooks

Two venerable Catholic schools have decided to step into the 21st Century with a passion.  They are going all-digital with their textbooks.  Find out why.

Fr. John Huber, Detroit Catholic Central                    Sean Jorgensen from St. Mary’s Catholic Central in Monroe.

Fr. John Huber - Sean Jorgensen

Harry Birthday Gary Baker – Our own Gary Baker celebrated a birthday this week.  Feel free to email and tease him.

HappyBirthDay Gary Baker

Detroit Haunted Fort Wayne Tours – Our own Shane is a big haunted house investigator.  Shane invites you  be part of one of the largest organized ghost hunts in the Midwest as the Paranormal Muster takes over Historic Fort Wayne on May 4th!

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.

Hour 2:  Answering Listener Questions. 800-859-0957

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