Hour 1
Net Neutrality Battle Stations
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler opened the battle for Net Neutrality this week by declaring that wired and wireless carriers would be classified as “common carriers” under Title 2.
Charlie Hopper, owner of Pasty.net, both wired and wireless services, in northern Michigan shares his perspective on the decision and why he thinks it may hurt more than help net neutrality.
Click Here to Listen to Charlie Hopper Talking About Net Neutrality
Twitter Launches Group Messaging
Emily Hay, founder of Haytheresocialmedia describes a new way to get your message out to a select group of people quickly with Twitter’s new Group Messaging. She will also tell us what moms thought about the Super Bowl Ads and her recent appearance on TV as part of a select panel of local experts.
Click Here to Listen to Emily Hay
Jeff Courter is the founder of a Grand Rapids based company which recently secured new venture capital to launch its first hunting app Sportsman Tracker this coming March. Jeff’s idea has found enthusiastic acceptance and the app is almost ready to launch. Full details follow.
Click Here to
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