Archives for FBI

FBI Blames North Korea for Sony Hack

CNET  by   

It’s definitive. North Korea was behind the cyberattack on Sony Pictures, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said Friday.

“As a result of our investigation, and in close collaboration with other US Government departments and agencies, the FBI now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible for these actions,” the FBI said Friday in a statement.

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Podcast: June 25, 2011

Foster Braun, Ed Rudel, Kurt Hines, Erik Anderson

Show Notes:

Foster Braun, Ed Rudel and Kurt Hines will also discuss some changes coming to Malwarebytes and the changing world of Anti-virus software. Erik Anderson (Mr. Mac) brings his weekly The Mac Minute for the select who just can’t go a week without their dose of Apple rumors!  😉

And of course our second hour is YOUR hour to call us with your computer and internet problems.

Podcast: June 25, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: June 25, 2011 – Hour 2

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