The hunt for new talent
My view is that California is doing very well and growing faster than the media will talk about. We are about 3 year from when the baby boomers retire or pull back to enjoy life and not press ahead for one more swing of the bat. This will give talent the opportunity to move up and all employers will have to change their minds on the ability to “just replace the retirees” since supply will remain low and demand is about to really increase for Talent.
I know that optimism doesn’t sell but everyone is going to turn optimist in 2014. My view was Emily Hay’s in 2013 using the lucky “13 theme in my annual report. And she was right it was a great year even though most could not come to believe it and where looking for a head fake and a crash in the economy especially with Washington closing the Federal government. However, 2013 did set us up for a booming economy “around the world” in 2014. So don’t miss it. Here’s the old book that saw this trend in 1999 – The Long Boom: A Vision For The Coming Age …
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