Archives for Craig Aaron

Net Neutrality Victory

Craig AaronCraig Aaron February 26, 2015

This morning the FCC voted to protect real Net Neutrality — marking the biggest victory for the public interest in the agency’s history.

That’s right. We won.

Even a few months ago this victory didn’t seem possible. Last May, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler ignored the public call for real Net Neutrality — and instead released a proposal that would have allowed pay-to-play fast lanes online.

Comcast and its pals thought they’d won the fight. But Free Press members and millions of people across the country proved them wrong. After a year of relentless activism, Wheeler reversed course — moving to give Internet users the strongest protections possible under Title II of the Communications Act.

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Podcast 1503 Jan. 17, 2015: The Battle for Net Neutrality & Auto Show Wonders

net neutrality

The Battle For Net Neutrality

Show Notes:

Hour 1

In February  the FCC will propose new rules governing the use of the Internet. The battle fronts are blurred but the stakes are high: Who will control how we access this vital link to our digitized world?


Craig AaronCraig Aaron, President and CEO of FreePress joins us to describe what is at stake in this epic battle for free flow of information over the Internet.  His organization has taken up the consumer banner with a passion in this battle against private monopoly interests bent on restricting the flow of information and the development of innovation in order to promote their own profit goals.  We the people need someone looking out for us.  Enter FreePress

Click Here to Listen to FreePress Pt 1

Click Here to Listen to FreePress Pt 2

NAIAS 2014 Logo

The Auto Show is in full swing with some amazing, ground breaking things happening right on the show floor, e.g. a company is printing a car or most of its parts right there! (Local Motors)  And soon learning your dashboard may be as easy as using your cell phone.(Apple Car Play)

Click Here to Listen to NAIAS Highlights



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