Archives for News

Facebook gets a Facelift and Many Hate the New Look

Outrage, amusement and confusion seem to top the list of reactions to the huge changes in Facebook.  One has to wonder about the timing of Google+ in opening its doors to everyone just as Facebook is changing just about everything.  Right now outrage seems to be the sentiment of the day on my Facebook page. Foster Braun

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Everyone's Invited to Google+

Now we’re all special.  Google+ is open to one an all. Google’s attempt to challenge Facebook has been a closed party that required an “invitation” while it was in beta.  That has all changed as Google+ shifts into high gear.  Give it a try but we predict that it is going to be hard to get people to shift from long-entrenched Facebook habits!

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AT&T Launches First 4G LTE Networks

Without much fanfare, the number two cell carrier in the nation announced that it is launching its first 4G LTE networks in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio.  AT&T has been scrambling to catch up to Verizon, T-Mobile…well, just about everybody else in the telcom world!  Don’t expect any blazing speeds yet partly because no one is quite sure what 4G means!

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Windows 8 Unveiled for Developers

This is the big dance for Microsoft.  Tuesday the boys from Redmond took the wraps off Windows 8 at their developers conference hoping to entice attendees to get on board the band wagon for their newest operating system.  Is it for tablets or for PC’s?  Where is the Microsoft version of iPad?  Lots of questions are waiting to be answered.

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Lightning Strikes Twice: iPhone 5 Prototype Lost in SF Bar

It’s like a bad remake of Ground Hog Day and Apple can’t wake up to make this nightmare go away.  Unbelievably another Apple employee left a prototype of the top secret iPhone 5 in a San Francisco watering hole. The owner of the Cava22 bar in San Francisco jokingly said that he might have to start watering down his drinks, or at least those served to Apple engineers.  Maybe they should reinstitute Prohibition for all Apple employees!

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iPad is Shaking Up the Entire Computer Market

Steve Jobs was famous for declaring his products game changers.  Looks like even the former Apple CEO may not have even imagined the kind of revolution his tablet would create.  This little beauty is turning the whole IT industry upside down and transforming a niche market into the next big thing in computing.

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Long Live the King: Steve Jobs Steps Down

One of the most creative visionaries of our time and moulder of culture through his products has called it quits.  Steve Jobs officially resigned from Apple as its CEO today citing his inability to do his job.  Full Story “Mr. Jobs will become chairman, a position that did not exist before. Apple named Tim Cook, its chief operating officer, to succeed Mr. Jobs as chief executive.” NY Times article.

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HP Drops the Bomb: No more WebOS

HP stunned the computing world today by announcing that it is dropping its recently announced TouchPad and the WebOS that runs it.  Looks like a lot of people have a less expensive but now abandoned TouchPad.  Here’s the whole story.

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MacGroup Detroit Celebrates 25th Anniversary

The premiere Apple/Macintosh support group in Michigan and one of the largest in the country will celebrate a quarter century of tinkering with all things Apple.  The meeting is held at The Birmingham Temple, Sunday, 3:00 PM, August 21, 2011.  Click here for directions.

There will be a special guest speaker and loads of prizes for members to win.  Don’t miss the fun if you’re a Mac Head!  For full details visit the MacGroup Homepage.

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Aug. 12, 1981 The IBM Personal Computer Arrives

That’s right on this day in history one of the most critical tools in our modern lives was unveiled by IBM:The PC (Personal Computer).  The 21-pound PC cost $1,565, boasted 16K of memory (Hey, that’s about as much as one of the cheaper Mac Book Airs!)  Could anyone have imagined a world filled with tablet computers, smartphones plastered to everyone’s head and gesture based technology?  Can you imagine what computing will be 30 years from today…now there’s a good book!

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