Archives for News

Iran Shuts Down Internet Access

The conservative Muslim regime in Iran won’t risk an “Arab Spring” uprising with Tweets and YouTube videos.  So rather than control it, they just shut the Net down completely.

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Germany Says, "Nein!" to Net Censorship

ACTA (Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement) seemed sure to sneak by public reaction until last week when protests broke out across Europe.   Now Germany has thrown a huge wrench into the machine by refusing to sign the agreement. Passage requires a unanimous approval by all 27 EU members. ACTA is the international version of SOPA/PIPA proposed anti-piracy laws that have been soundly defeated in the US which, by the way, had approved ACTA.

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Facebook IPO Big Winners

When Facebook launches it initial stock offering, a few people who placed their bets a while back are about to get very rich. The list of big winners in the Facebook stock fall out might surprise you with everyone from characters in the movie The Social Network to one of the other giants in the digital kingdom.

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Super Bowl Super Command Center

The biggest sporting event of the year draw nearly 11 million viewers and hundreds of thousands of Tweets, Facebook postings and more.  An official Super Bowl Media Center is open for business during football’s holy grail moment staffed by 50 people. They will be looking out for terrorists and the way to find the best pizza in Indianapolis and everything in between.

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Apple's Piggy Bank Explodes!

Maybe next year we should let whoever is running Apple deliver the State of the Union Address because their state is certainly solvent and has more cash than the good old US of A! During the 4th quarter of 2011 alone The Boys from Cupertino hustled 37+ million iPhones following the introduction of the iPhone 4S and Apple also said it sold nearly 15.5 million iPads during the same time, up 111% from the same time last  year.

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Ready or Not Here Comes Timeline

When Timeline first appeared on Facebook it created a big backlash.  Looks like none of that matters to Mark Z and his minions because we are all going to get to like it, like it or not.  By early February we will all look the same (in terms of general layout) on FB.  Sure you can individualistic, as long as it’s their way.

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Download King Collared in His "Safe" Room

The head of Megaupload was cornered by New Zealand Police inside his armed fortress.  The FBI has accused Kim “Dotcom” of earning $42 million from pirated material in 2010 alone.  “New Zealand police said two firearms and several luxury cars were removed from Dotcom’s mansion.” according to the Wrap.  The license plates on the cars were “Mafia”, “Hacker” and “God”, Seriously?!  Seriously?!

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"Greedy and Evil"= Apple new iBook License

Blogger Ed Bott makes a business of reading EULA’s (End User License Agreement).  You know, the things that pop up when you install software and you automatically click “agree” without reading a word!?  According to Bott, Apple’s license for its new iBooks publishing software essentially says that it owns whatever is published with it!

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iBooks 2.0 A New Apple for Teachers

Jan. 17th Apple unveiled their next move toward world domination…OK this time the target is the world of academics.  iPads are immensely popular among students and teachers alike and now Apple is providing the tools to bring the stuffy world of academia into the interactive 21st Century.

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Riots Postpone Apple iPhone4S Sales in China

Irate scalpers rioted outside the Beijing Apple store shortly before the doors were to open for sale of the iPhone 4S. Apple declared that it was just trying to protect its salespeople and other customers from the wealthy thugs who gobble up the phones and sell the prestigious smartphones for big ¥’s!  Here’s a video report.

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