Podcast 1405 Feb. 1, 2014: Smart TV's and Battling Ransomware

Skull and Crossbones

Show Notes

Hour 1: New Microsoft CEO? Smart TV’s

The Big Stories in Tech:

Rich Jaroslovsky

Rich Jaroslovsky, National Tech Columnist and NPR  Commentator gives his analysis: Will insider Satya Nadella become the new CEO of Microsoft?  Was Google’s sale of Motorola to Lenovo a huge loss or very smart move?

Smart TV’s

Ty PendelbuTy Pendelburyry, Senior Associate Editor, CNet breaks down what a Smart TV is and how you can make yours smarter.

From Amazon to HBO Go to YouTube: App availability on TVs compared


MiTechNews Report

Mike Brennan

Weekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of MiTechNews.com, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by  the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan and Warner, Norcross & Judd attorneys at law: how well protected and capitalized is your intellectual property.

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with the Internet Advisor.



Microsoft Special Sale: Surface Pro v1 for just $499.00 with I5 processor and 128 GB solid state drive.  Visit Microsoft Store at Somerset Collection in Troy, MI and ask for Cresta.  This is great deal… it was 999.00 just 5 months ago!!!

If you have chance to promote have them go see Cresta at the Troy Microsoft store J

Hour 2: Battling Ransomware

FBI Ransomeware


2012 EdFos, Gary, Shane*

Our panel of experts discuss what “Ransomware” is in light of a special report on WDIV-TV 4, Detroit with reporter Paula Tutman about fixing a laptop locked by this virus.

jeff ingalsbeProfessor Jeff IngalsbeAssistant Professor and Department Chair at the University of Detroit Mercy in the Center for Cybersecurity and Intelligence Studies discusses methods for removing ransomware with our panel of experts.


Shane Hamelin

Shane’s Secret Sauce Virus Awareness and Prevention Tips



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