Podcast Aug. 18, 2012: Woven Wind Project

Show Notes:

Weaving the Wind: John Barrie, Executive Director Appropriate Technology Collaborative A creative international volunteer project that combines advanced technology and the skills of native women weavers who make the blades for windmills that bring power to remote Guatemalan villages.

Tina Watson, Senior Infrstrastructure Manager at GE, and board member of ATC. Tina Watson’s Guatemala Trip.

For more information on the Circuits and  Solar class and Laptops for Latin America, send email to info@apptechdesign.org

College Hook Up: Once your student gets to college, what happens when they first hook up to the network? Foster’s adventure at Central Michigan University and tech dads Gary Baker and Ed Rudel add their experiences.

Internet Advisor Takeaway: Museums on Us – Save some money on a short getaway to a museum. Bank of America is offering free admission to lots of museums on selected weekends through out the year. Just present your Bank of America ATM card for one free admission per cardholder.

The Mac Minute with Erik Anderson: All the Apple rumors fit to spread at the start of hour 2.

Darik’s Boot and Nuke Software for complete erasure of a hard drive.

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Happy Birthday Foster!

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