Getting junior ready for college is not just about getting new computer devices and software; you have to understand and be ready for the whole university Internet security experience.
- Have good security in place before you hook up to the university system.
- Image (clone/completely copy) your student’s hard drive and keep a copy at home
- As an extra precaution install a special “tech” user account on the computer that only the family tech expert ( you ) have the password to and/or…
- Install a remote desktop application that allows you to enter, diagnose, back up and fix your student’s computer without driving 5 hours across the state! ;-D
- Be prepared to have your system scanned by university IT
- Understand having a good password ready for the university system
- Lock your screen/device when not in use
- Securing your equipment with locks, good solid covers and good bags
- Use your Common Sense Filter (often unused or underused)
- Find my iPad/iPhone/LoJack your computer/tablet/phone. People steal stuff in the wide open environment of a university.
- Buy fake vomit or cigarette butts at a novelty store and glue it onto the cover of the laptop (This really worked for a friend of ours. His was the only laptop NOT stolen from the dorm!)
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