Monthly Archives January 2012

iBooks 2.0 A New Apple for Teachers

Jan. 17th Apple unveiled their next move toward world domination…OK this time the target is the world of academics.  iPads are immensely popular among students and teachers alike and now Apple is providing the tools to bring the stuffy world of academia into the interactive 21st Century.

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Facebook Heading for 1 Billion Users

A significant portion of the human race is on track to be “friended” on the social network behemoth called Facebook by this summer. Let’s see: Apple has more money than the US Government and Facebook has about 1/7th of the world’s population subscribed to its services.  Sooooo, who really owns whom?!

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Looking back on 10 years of Security

Have we really come that far since Bill Gates published his Trustworthy Computing Memo?  A look at the milepost in security and a glimpse into its future.

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Riots Postpone Apple iPhone4S Sales in China

Irate scalpers rioted outside the Beijing Apple store shortly before the doors were to open for sale of the iPhone 4S. Apple declared that it was just trying to protect its salespeople and other customers from the wealthy thugs who gobble up the phones and sell the prestigious smartphones for big ¥’s!  Here’s a video report.

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Podcast: January 14, 2012

Hour 2:

The Team share emails and call listeners to answer their computer and Internet questions.

Note that during Network shows you can email your question to us by clicking the Contact Us button on the homepage and sending us an email.  Be sure to include your phone number and you could  be one of the listeners we consult with over the phone during the Network show.

Podcast: January 14, 2012 – Hour 1
Podcast: January 14, 2012 – Hour 2

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Consumer Electronics Show Preview 2012

Here’s a preview of CES 2012, traditionally THE event for launching new tech products.  This year, however will be the swan song for Microsoft at the big Vegas show. More and more big tech companies are eschewing the ginormous costs of exhibiting in favor of their own Developer’s Conferences.

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Steve DeDoes

Steve DeDoes may have lost a step since his prime…he certainly can’t fit into the same conductor’s tux he’s wearing in the photo at left (circa 1993).

The former athlete and longtime coach is now more well-known in sporting circles as “Mattie’s Dad.”  However, Steve’s noteworthy musical and artistic legacy continues to grow.  As the acclaimed composer-producer-performer once again turns his attention to new creative horizons, his son’s career is just starting — and not just musically.



Mattie DeDoes is at Oberlin College (OH) as a top collegiate baseball player, one with pro aspirations – this in addition to his ongoing musical and academic pursuits.  “DeDoes Music” is now a father-and-son operation – one that combines Steve’s incredible artistic visions and craft with Mattie’s talent and brilliance.  This young saxophonist is, simply put, one of the finest jazz-funk artists you will hear.


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Nine Business Predictions for 2012

Larry Dignan looks into his crystal ball and gives us a vision of the future of enterprise technology in 2012.

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Windows 8 Will Make Restoring Your OS A Snap

Viruses, like cockroaches will always be with us and if you have had a bad one it has often meant just reloading your original Operating System (OS) and possibly losing your data and applications if  you didn’t back up (Not YOU!)  Microsoft says that will be a thing of the past with Windows 8; you’ll just “refresh” your OS and all the data and apps will be safe.

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Podcast: January 7, 2012

Show Notes

This is our super-sized 2012 predictions show (along with a little accountability for 2011!) Each of our hosts comment on key areas of the Internet and computing for 2012.

Podcast: January 7, 2012 – Hour 1
Podcast: January 7, 2012 – Hour 2
Podcast: January 7, 2012 – Hour 3

IA 2011 Predictions Show: 30 min.


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