Show Notes:
- Kyle deBeausset: Founder of the pro-migrant blog, Citizen Orange and a campaigner for, a grassroots, Latino political action group.
- Joshua Waldman, author of Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies. Helping job seekers understand the power of social media to help land their next job.
- Tina Watson: How Baker’s Dozen Helps IT pros find work through (BTW the Baker is our own Gary Baker!)
Don’t forget that the second hour of the program is dedicated to answering your computer questions at 1-800-859-0957
***This week we are going to be including a couple of the email questions that we have received through our Contact Us tab on the home page. Listen in and learn how your email can turn into a phone call from the Internet Advisor crew on one of our upcoming programs. See the posting A New Way to Get Your Questions Answered on the Internet Advisor under the Advice column on our homepage.***
Podcast: September 3, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: September 3, 2011 – Hour 2
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