Monthly Archives August 2011

Long Live the King: Steve Jobs Steps Down

One of the most creative visionaries of our time and moulder of culture through his products has called it quits.  Steve Jobs officially resigned from Apple as its CEO today citing his inability to do his job.  Full Story “Mr. Jobs will become chairman, a position that did not exist before. Apple named Tim Cook, its chief operating officer, to succeed Mr. Jobs as chief executive.” NY Times article.

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A New Way to Get Your Answers on the Internet Advisor!

Starting very soon you will have a very special way to ask your computer question of the team of experts you listen to on the Internet Advisor show.  Beginning this weekend, Aug.20, 2011, you will now be able to email your questions directly to the Advisor team and have them answered on the air.  Each week we will chose some of the emails to answer with you during our second  hour.  We’ll call you up, state your case and talk about the solutions.  Sounds like a lot of fun.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get in depth answers to your questions through this additional way.  Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Go to our homepage and click on the Contact Us button and a form will pop up.
  2. Give us your name, email address AND phone number so we can call you back during the show.
  3. Then tell us a little about your machine if possible: PC or Mac, desktop or laptop, brand, age, Operating System (e.g. Win XP SP2, Win 7, OSX Snow Leopard) and the amount of Ram you have.  It can often help us to get to the solution a whole lot quicker if we have

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Podcast: August 20, 2011

Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun, Erik Anderson

Show Notes:

Brad Zutaut:. Co-founder of integrates with Facebook and Twitter.  They have collaborated with WagIt

Finding Hidden Highways: Becky Repp, co-editor of American Road Magazine is the Internet’s leading online destination to help students rent, buy, trade in or trade up their academic textbooksMatt Taylor and Sean Johnson will explain how they have improved their service to your budding genius.

The second hour of our show is dedicated to answering your questions at 1 800-859-0957.

***Don’t miss a special announcement about a new way to get your questions answered on the air during our show!***

Podcast: August 20, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: August 20, 2011 – Hour 2

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HP Drops the Bomb: No more WebOS

HP stunned the computing world today by announcing that it is dropping its recently announced TouchPad and the WebOS that runs it.  Looks like a lot of people have a less expensive but now abandoned TouchPad.  Here’s the whole story.

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MacGroup Detroit Celebrates 25th Anniversary

The premiere Apple/Macintosh support group in Michigan and one of the largest in the country will celebrate a quarter century of tinkering with all things Apple.  The meeting is held at The Birmingham Temple, Sunday, 3:00 PM, August 21, 2011.  Click here for directions.

There will be a special guest speaker and loads of prizes for members to win.  Don’t miss the fun if you’re a Mac Head!  For full details visit the MacGroup Homepage.

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Aug. 12, 1981 The IBM Personal Computer Arrives

That’s right on this day in history one of the most critical tools in our modern lives was unveiled by IBM:The PC (Personal Computer).  The 21-pound PC cost $1,565, boasted 16K of memory (Hey, that’s about as much as one of the cheaper Mac Book Airs!)  Could anyone have imagined a world filled with tablet computers, smartphones plastered to everyone’s head and gesture based technology?  Can you imagine what computing will be 30 years from today…now there’s a good book!

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Bing Beats Google At Searching!

According to this article from Information Week if you want more accurate results in our searches, use Microsoft’s Bing search engine.  Personally I like to compare them side by side every now and then to compare them.  One tip for better searching is to use a complete phrase rather than just one word.  Despite the laurels for Bing, Google is still the 500 lb gorilla with nearly 80% of market.

Foster Braun

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Surprising Choice for Best Malware Protection: An Old Favorite

Ed Bott is a CNET editor who concentrates on security issues.  In this article he reveals the results of some hard testing of the current range of software to protect your computers from hackers and thieves.  His result may surprise you because he comes full circle back to one of the original best protectors. I’m still suspicious of its bloatware potential and history of hogging resources, but then machines are much more powerful now and usually carry 2-4 Gigs of Ram.

Foster Braun

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Podcast: August 13, 2011

Gary Baker, Cal Carson, Shane Hamelin, Foster Braun, Erik Anderson

Show Notes:

Podcast: Jeff Freyer
Podcast: Steve Beck
Full Show Podcast: August 13, 2011 – Hour 1
Full Show Podcast: August 13, 2011 – Hour 2

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Create a Strong Password

More than ever it’s important not to give the bad guys an easy shot at your valuables.  Strong passwords are the key and here is a link to a great instructional. Cal Carson

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