Archives for WWDC 2015

Windows 10 Mystery Icon Arrives



Show Notes

Hour 1


Windows 10 Official Launch Date Arrives Along with Mystery Icon

Ed Rudel

July 29, 2015 is the official date for the distribution of Microsoft’s next major OS: Windows 10. Ed Rudel will lead the discussion on some Frequently Asked Questions about the Windows 10 upgrade, in particular what the heck that mysterious white window in your System Tray means!

Microsoft Windows 10 Frequently Ask Questions

How to Make an ISO file from the Windows 10 Upgrade

Will your PC run Windows 10? Use the official compatibility checker to find out!

Click Here to Listen to Windows 10 Download


Apple’s WWDC Opens June 8

Cal at stand mikeCal Carson will have the rumored highlights of what has typically been Apple’s “really big show”, the 2015 World Wide Developers Conference, this coming week.  Will Apple TV finally get the makeover it has desperately needed?  Will the world catch the beat of Apple’s uber music service? What new tricks will appear in iOS 9 for the world of Apple’s digital devices?  Answers await.


Click Here to Listen to WWDC Predictions


Connect Michigan


Crawford County Recognized for Broadband Connection

frederick_ericEric Fredrick, VP of Community Affairs for Michigan Connect, announces …

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