Archives for Tim Cook

Podcast Sept. 29, 2012: Mapplegate, YouthSpark and Foster the Barbarian

Show Notes:

YouthSpark: Shelley Stern Grach, Citizenship & Public Affairs Director of Microsoft unveils Microsoft’s new initiative to create opportunities for more than 75 million youth across the U.S./Canada over the next three years. Locally they are working with Focus Hope to train a new generation of computer technicians.

Mapplegate: Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized publicallty for the mess that Apple created when they dumped Google map technology for their very own iOS6 mapping tools.

Barbarian Laptop Destroyer: What happens when you combine coffee and computers? Utter chaos if the user is our very own Foster Braun.  Hear the cautionary tale of salvaging a damaged computer.  He is now three-for-three: Dell Inspiron laptop, iPhone 4 and MacBook Pro laptop!

Online Resources mentioned during the show:

YouthSpark Hub: Microsoft site to help young people through Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship.

Internet Advisor Takeaway: SuperDuper: Free backup and cloning software for Macs.


Look for the podcast of this show starting Sunday, Sept. 30 at


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Who Will Buy a Shiny New Apple…?

Is the “new iPad” just another expensive toy?  To many yes, but to nearly half the owners of present iPads, it’s a must have.

To put things in perspective, Tim Cook, the new CEO of the “post-Jobs” Apple, reported astounding sales figures of all Apple “devices” for 2011.

“Last year, Apple sold 172 million of what Cook calls “post-PC” devices, making up 76 percent of the company’s revenues. On a related note, he said Apple sold 62 million iOS devices in the last quarter and 315 million overall.”

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