Archives for Sylien Games

Podcast 1328, July 20, 2013: Windows Special: Games and Win 8.1




Show Notes:

100 Windows Games in 100 Days

Slyvain RochonSylvain Rochon, Canadian computer scientist, CEO and founder of Sylien Games has developed over 140 game titles online on multiple devices.  Sylien has key clients such as Microsoft, Magmic Games and the Ontario Ministry of Education to name a few, helping them create great game or app experiences on all platforms in very short time periods, cost-effectively.

Windows World

Shane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech ExpertShane Hamelin, co-host and our Windows 8 specialist (Unnamed sources claim that he even knows the secret Redmond handshake!) Shane will discuss Microsoft’s discouraging Q4 figures, Windows 8.1 update and Foster will review Lumia’s 920 Win 8 Phone.

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.

“MITechNews.Com would like to thank Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack,  for helping make possible the Weekly Tech eNewsletter, co-branded with the Internet Advisor.”

Hour 2:  Answering Listener Questions. 800-859-0957

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