Archives for Powerwall

Tesla Powerwall: Game-changing batteries for homes and businesses, starting at $3,000


Michael Graham Richard (@Michael_GR) Technology / Clean Technology
May 1, 2015

Launching Tesla Energy

One of the main challenges of running a power grid is that supply and demand have to be in balance at all times. This means that electricity has to be consumed when it is generated. This makes it harder to integrate sources of energy over which you don’t have control, such as wind and solar power. What if there’s a high demand for electricity but the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining? What if it’s a sunny and windy day and supply far exceeds demand?

That’s the problem that having more energy storage connected to the power grid could solve.

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Podcast 1517: NextEnergy, Tech Tune Up with Comcast & Listener Q&A



Tesla Powerwall Home Battery

Show Notes:

Hour 1

Tesla Powerwall  A Household/Business Battery

Elon MuskElon Musk announced a stunning new battery technology that could reshape electrical use around the world, even in countries where there is no power grid!  Is this just another toy for rich greenies or is this another great leap forward in energy independence?



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DAVE-HURST-WEBDave Hurst is Director of Market Analysis at NextEnergy, leading Next Energy’s Energy Sector and Program teams in the understanding and development of various market segment intelligence. NextEnergy is a convener, collaborator, and service provider accelerating advanced energy technologies through industry and venture development


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4 Tips for a Spring Technology Check Up from Comcast


Michelle Gilbert, Vice President of Public Relations and Bill Babbit, Tech. Operation Supervisor for Comcast in Michigan have great tips to get the best out of  your cable connection.

Click here to read 4 Spring Technology Check Up Tips

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Hour 2    Live Listener Question and Answer

Click Here to Listen to Hour 2 Listener Q&A

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