Archives for Kaspersky Labs

Podcast 1734: We’re Back! Equifax Leak & Kaspersky Fallout Oct. 14, 2017

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The whole crew (Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Cal Carson and Foster Braun) is back in studio for this special live program.  This is Foster’s first time back in the studio since his stay in the hospital and we are anxious to see how that turns out.

It has been quite a couple of months!  Gary weathered the hurricane season in Ft. Lauderdale, Shared Adventureand we are still waiting for photographic proof that this isn’t just a figment of Capt. B’s imagination!  LOL

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This past week should be called “Cyber Insecurity”! First Equifax admits to a leaky help page and pulls the plug on it and Russian Cybersecurity agency Kaspersky Lab is now being black listed because of allegations that they helped Russian hackers affect our last presidential …

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