Archives for Code for Detroit Brigade

Podcast 1409 3/1/14: Mobile Moves and Civic Hacking

Show Notes:

Where is Mobile technology heading and what is happening to our data?

jeff ingalsbeProfessor Jeff Ingalsbe, University of Detroit/Mercy puts some of the recent advances in mobile technology showcased at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain  in perspective and explores the threats to our privacy that come with these advances.

Code for America_Detrot

Civic Hacking: Local Tech Tackles the Big Issues

Matt HampelMatt Hampel of Code for Detroit Brigade shares the vision of this group of  technologist who want to solve practical problems for Detroit by tapping into the vast resources of the Motor City’s growing tech savvy population.  Eating the elephant one bite at a time! ;-))

Code for Detroit Gathering, Thursday, March 6, 2014 6-8 PM (at Grand Circus )

Projects:  TextMyBus,  Detroit Wiki, Detroit Future City

MiTechNews Report

Mike Brennan

The MiTechNews Report is a weekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and  publisher of which focuses on technology headlines and the impact of our tate’s growing high tech sector. MiTechNews Report is brought through the support of:

  • ITA and New Horizons Computer Learning Centers.  New Horizons is  offering deep discounts for the sign up classes by March 10.
  • ITC, the nation’s largest independent

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