Jared Newman / TIME.com
Rdio may be on the path to a free, ad-supported streaming music service thanks to a deal with radio behemoth Cumulus.
According to the New York TImes , Cumulus will sell the advertising for a free version of Rdio in the United States, and will promote the service across its 525 radio stations. In exchange, Cumulus will get a significant equity stake in Rdio’s parent company, Pulser Media. Cumulus is the second-largest radio operator in the United States behind Clear Channel.
Rdio’s current service costs $5 per month for desktop access, and $10 per month with phone and tablet access. Similar to Spotify, Rdio offers millions of on-demand songs with no listening limits. You can create your own playlists and collections, listen to entire albums or create “stations ” tailored to your interests.
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