Podcast 2135 – Tech Tip Sheet

This week we do not have a podcast due to the Labor Day weekend. We hope that you and yours are celebrating and enjoying the last holiday of Summer. Below you can find some Tech Tips that you can use.

Back to School

Make sure that you have your student’s tech protected. After all school can be tough not just on the student but more so on their tech. Getting jammed into a loaded backpack that is pretty much slung around like a tether ball can be hard on laptops, tablets, and cellphones.

Look into breakage insurance unless you can just reach into pocket and buy a replacement when your student show up at home with a broken tech device. Check with your homeowner’s insurance to see if it may be already covered. Also the same coverage may take into account incidents like theft.

Proper Protection

Make sure that you budget for not only the tech device but also for a proper case to store/use it in. Spend a few dollars on a good case for that cellphone that will protect it from drops and spills and you’ll get more use out of that device. One of my favorites is the “Otterbox” line cases. I have been a big fan because the work and keep your device looking like new. I have an iPhone 6s that looks almost new because of the case. It helps with resale or trade in value.

See you next week


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