Podcast 2108 – Welcome to Cheapskate Hall of Fame.

Rick Broida, senior editor with CNet, has established the Cheapskate Hall of Fame in the tech world. Rick will join us and talk about the hall. We will also let you know how to get started in investing in Crypto currency with the Robinhood app. Ed will fill us in on the latest update on a popular password manager that is making changes and of course, Mike Brennan and MI Tech News to top it off.


Look…up in the sky…. What evil lurks in the hearts of men…. Hi Ho Silver!!!

Looking for some entertainment that will take you back in time. Check out the Rosedale Community Players as they perform a rendition of a popular radio play “The Maltese Falcon”. It will debut on Friday, February 25, 2021. click the link below for details. Pop some popcorn and check it out.

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