Podcast 2024 – Mary Mary quite contrary. How does your garden with IT grow?

We will be talking about tech gadgets that can help you out in the garden to make it productive now and into the future. Also Gary will have our guests who co wrote the book “Tech Leadership 4.0”.

Dr. Robert Pasick is a Psychologist specializing in executive coaching and family business consulting. As well as appearing on OPRAH, he is the author of nine books including his latest, “Tech Leadership 4.0”, which describes the power of bringing emotional intelligence to leader ship in the tech world.


Michael Anleitner is founder and President of Livonia Technical Services Company (livoniatech.net), training and consulting company started in 1985 with dozens of large worldwide clients. He has 48 years of experience working in the manufacturing world, including product design and development, manufacturing operations, distribution, and quality management.


Rob and Mike’s book is available on Amazon at this link https://www.amazon.com/Tech-Leadership-4-0-Leading-Technologically-ebook/dp/B088QTNVSK/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Tech+Leadership+4.0&qid=1592139206&sr=8-1

Time Lapse camera for your garden can be found at this link https://www.brinno.com/time-lapse-camera/TLC200

Home Weather Station can be found at this link https://www.netatmo.com/en-us/weather/weatherstation

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