Podcast 1815 4/15/18 The Smart Bottle: High Tech Meds Delivery


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Show Notes:

Hour 1: Smart Bottles and Cardio Data


Josh Stein is the CEO and Cofounder of AdhereTech, a company that makes patented smart pill bottles to track and improve adherence for patients on specialty medications. AdhereTech’s smart bottles are currently distributed from leading specialty pharmacies, hospitals, and clinical trial sites – across multiple continents.

Podcast 1815 AdHereTech Smart Bottle 

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Dr. Robert Frank CEO &





Prabode Weebadde, Executive Chairman joined us to share the story of AvidCor.  Developed out of MSU AvidCor is a cardiac monitoring device capable of measuring heart rate and rhythm, pulse oximetry, and temperature. Data is transferred securely via a Bluetooth connection to a smartphone with our proprietary app and saved in our cloud platform. The data is then assessed by our machine learning algorithms and is available for viewing by a healthcare professional as well as the patient.



Podcast 1815 AvidCor

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  • 21st Century Automotive Braking Systems To Feature Brake-by-Wire “Smart” Technology
  • LTU’s Sixth Annual Research Day Sets Records – Again
  • Venture Capital Funding Up 4 Percent – Artificial Intelligence Companies Set Record

Podcast 1815 MiTechNews 4-14-18

Mike Brennan is back after a well deserved rest in West Michigan following a successful inaugural IoTTechConnect Conference.

Don’t forget that you can catch Mike and Matt Roush for their M2 TechCast every Monday from 2-3 PM EDT on the Podcastdetroit.com Network.

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Show Notes:

Hour 2: Tech Round Table

 Foster, Gary, Cal and ED

During the second hour we gathered all the Tech expertise of our team Cal Carson, Foster Braun, and Caston Thoma. Topics ranged from:
  • Do you still trust Facebook? https://bit.ly/2qAmOJW  
  • Woz is deleting his Facebook account : https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/04/08/apple-co-founder-steve-wozniak-says-hes-leaving-facebook/497392002/  
  • Here’s the link to DELETE your fakebook account…
    Attached are the screens that FB makes available on their “settings” page.  “Disabling” is NOT the same as “Deleting”.  Disabling gives FB the legal rights per their “terms and conditions” to continue certain tracking activities that go away when you delete.
    Note that even if you have never logged into FB or created an account, they have ways of tracking & identifying you.  Any webpage that has a FB link allows them to track your location when you click on that page.  They can correlate what devices you use, by watching devices that are in the same location over time.  Using other information sharing capabilities with companies like Axiom, Drawbridge & Quantcast, they are able to build profiles around your behavior, and often identify who you are if you signing or register or fill out a form with a company that has an information sharing relationship with you.  That little FB icon on a webpage or the little thumbs up can track you even if you have cookies turned off.
  • Disney launches ESPN+ $4.95/mo.  Limited sports
  • IRS the Tax man cometh. DeadlineApril 17th.How do you file for an extension.
  • Samsung released an internet-less smartphone is free for students in South Korea
  • Comcast will soon offer packages with Netflix bundled in https://www.cnet.com/news/netflix-comcast-new-bundles-may-make-streaming-easier/
  • The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) seeks to create a harmonised data protection law framework across the EU and aims to give citizens back the control of their personal data, whilst imposing strict rules on those hosting and ‘processing’ this data, anywhere in the world. The Regulation also introduces rules relating to the free movement of personal data within and outside the EU.
  • Google loses ‘right to be forgotten’ case  A businessman fighting for the “right to be forgotten” wins a UK High Court action against Google.  http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-43752344

It was more fun than a barrel of monkeys and twice as interesting to get our team chiming in on different issues. Look for it next time we are on the air.

Podcast 1815 Hr_2 Tech Roundtable

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