Podcast 1808 2/24/18:Rick Broida, The Cheapskate, 20th Anniversary Month

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Click the menu below to make sure that you get this week’s podcast. Clicking on the link at the bottom of this page or Subscribing to Internet Advisor Podcast Feed at iTunes or with your favorite podcast app will get you our show. “] [/vc_cta][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”5″][vc_single_image image=”15158″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” title=”20th Anniversary Month On WJR”][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”5″][vc_column_text]

Last week Foster was invited to share the microphones with Dave Phillips, Bob Waltenspiel and Nuri Gocay cohosts of IT in the D. The link below will connect with Foster’s interview about our 20th Anniversary.


Click here to listen to Foster’s interview on ITintheD


Show Notes:

Hour 1: Rick Broida, The Cheapskate

Rick Broida stands out as one of our favorite in studio guests over the last 20years on WJR. How can you not love a guy who brings in a tiny drone and flies it in studio! Rick has brought us many of these kind of devices that we have enjoyed so much but his biggest draw have been the special bargains that he lets us know about.  So be ready to run to the computer for some super special deal he will have to tell us about.


Click Here to Listen to Rick Broida Cheapskate


Click Here to Listen to Rick’s Bargains


 WyzeCam v2 Wi-Fi camera, just $20!


AmazFit Bip Smartwatch

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MiTechNews Headlines Feb. 24, 2018

 Snyder Proposes Marshall Plan For Talent To Fill Michigan’s STEM Job Shortage

Agony And Ecstasy In The Rapidly Emerging Gig Economy

Self-Flying Drone Knows Where You Are/Where You’re Going

MiTechNews Headlines 02-24-18

Video Asset

 Listen to Mike Brennan and Matt Roush on their podcast: M2 TechCast, LIVE at their new time, Mondays at 2-3 PM on PodcastDetroit Network.


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Show Notes

Hour 2: Tech Roundtable

 Caston Thomas joins the team as the newest regular Tech Advisor for the show…just in time for our 20th Anniversary Month. Caston is the founder of InterWorks, LLC. and this week he is accompanied by his singing spouse, ConnieEd Rudel gets a break as Cal Carson returns to engineer and opine along with Foster Braun.

Hour 2 Tech Roundtable

Connie Thomas sings Happy Anniversary

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