Podcast 1730: The Cheapskate Goes Back to School and NoMoreRansom

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Show Notes

Hour 1

The Cheapskate Back to School Issue



Rick Broida is the author of numerous books and thousands of reviews, features and blog posts. He writes CNET’s popular Cheapskate blog and co-hosts Battlestar Recaptica, a “Battlestar Galactica” recap podcast. Broida also owns two escape rooms located in Detroit, MI. He can squeeze the buffalo on a nickel till it moos!!!

Podcast 1730 Broida Back to School


No More Ransom

 Caston Thomas is the President of InterWorks LLC, an integrator focused on discovering & delivering innovative network & cybersecurity technologies to large organization. The company recently, announced its partnership with the No More Ransom(NMR) project to aid in the fight against ransomware. InterWorks joins as a supporting partner, providing help promoting No More Ransom at a national and international level.

Podcast 1730 NoMoreRansom


NoMoreRansom Bonus Interview mp3

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MiTechNews Headlines for Aug. 8, 2017

  • Mike Brennan 5-1-16DesignThe Coolest Place For Kids This Summer In Metro Detroit? The Michigan Science Center
  • Defcon Hackers Demonstrate How Easy It Is To Hack US Voting Machines
  • Michigan Opts Into FirstNet  First Responder Wireless Network

MiTechNews Headlines 8-6-17

Catch Mike Brennan and Matt Roush on their podcast: M2 TechCast, live, Mondays at 3PM on PodcastDetroit Network.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”5″][vc_column_text]


TJ Kennedy, the president of FirstNet, joins us to explain this important step in securing a network that first responders can count on.  Mr. Kennedy has himself had years of experience as a first responder and will explain the immense value this new system, developed in conjunction with AT&T

TJ Kennedy First Net 530

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Show Notes

Hour 2


Podcast 1730 Hour 2 Listener Q&A

The second hour of our show is dedicated to answering your questions.

For live show listeners, call 800-859-0957 toll free during the show.

If you are listening over the Michigan Talk Radio Network or to our Podcasts (subscribe through iTunes) send us an email.
We’re glad to have Gary Baker back on dry land with us to help answer your questions from Ft. Lauderdale, FL!
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computer-nerdTrusted Local Computer Repair Shops 

These local computer shops have been recommended by you the listeners for good, honest service and reasonable costs.  Let us know your favorite local computer shop so we can share it with your neighbors and friends.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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