Podcast 1725: Cyberbullying…iPhone 10th Anniversary…Oh Canada!

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Show Notes

Hour 1



Teresa Mask, PR Specialist with AT&T joins us to talk about their campaign to combat Cyberbullying.  Recent court proceedings have made it abundantly clear that this not an innocent prank but is a vile and deadly weapon that can be used against the most vulnerable members of our society.



Podcast 1725 Cyberbullying AT&T




Parents’ Resource Guide

CommonSense-AT&T-CyberBullying-Parent-Resources-FINAL[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”5″][vc_column_text]

Happy 10th Anniversary iPhone



IA Crew Remembering iPhone


Cal Carson, our Apple expert, shares the ways that the iPhone has impacted his life:

I believe that when you take it all in, Jobs and Apple saw an innovation needed in the cell phone and they brought it to the market. The larger screen, the screen that actually showed you a functional browser. A device that delivered what he said. A Phone, An iPod, An internet Device. It fit in the palm of your hand. After it came out the rest of the world followed. Those who did not fell behind or to the wayside (Blackberry woke up too late because they were the premier platform in the market but did not get rid of the keyboard interface soon 6enough). Google saw the way and the Android phone appeared and to this day, if you look at a Samsung phone or just about all Androids, clearly, it is modeled after the iPhone. Apple soon developed the App Store which now took the iPhone to the next dimension and therefore Google followed with the Google Play Store. Even Microsoft attempted to do the same thing with the Windows 10 Phone and the Microsoft store. However, Microsoft came to the table late and they are lagging far behind Google and Apple. Apple is currently the leader in innovation with the phone but there can be others at any time. (Remember when the Palm Pilot was king?) The biggest thing about the iPhone is not just the phone but all of the peripheral business that developed because of it. Business that is not Apple’s but allowed people to develop new businesses for accessories, services, and Apps for not just the iPhone but other hand-held computers as well. I call them hand held computers because that is what they are. It just that they happen to have a phone built into them.

If I sound like an iPhone Fan then so be it. I also carry a Samsung Galaxy S7. As phones, they both work well. They both make and receive calls. As a hand-held computer, I prefer the iOS operating system over the Android. Both have their plus and minuses but I tend to lean toward the iOS eco system.

The iPhone provided me with a new way to be able to manage and interact in my digital lifestyle. The most impactful way being that, even though I had a laptop computer that I carry with me most of the time, a lot of the things that I used it for I could now use on my hand-held device. Check my e mail, surf the web, enjoy movies. It allowed me to do things like if I was repairing a car, I could watch, start and stop, the You Tube video that was instructing me how to do it and I could do that right under the car. It would give me a big enough screen to share so that when I went to the Home Depot to get a part for the broken toilet tank, I could show the associate in the store exactly wheat was broken and what I needed. These two examples are really important to me. Could I do this with my laptop, yes, but it would be cumbersome. The iPhone and it’s imitators makes it work so much easier.

Happy 10th Birthday iPhone!


10 Ways the iPhone Changed Everything


iPhone: After 10 years where to next?

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Mike Brennan, editor of MiTechNews, was formally invited by the Israeli government to cover the prestigious CyberWeek 2017 at Tel Aviv University starting June 25.  7,000 participants from 48 countries will gather in Israel this week to discuss tactics and technology of cybersecurity.  A seriously jet-lagged Mike  joins us today to give us the scope of this major cybersecurity conference and his experiences in Israel.


Listen to Mike Brennan about trip to Cyberweek[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”5″][vc_column_text]

Show Notes

Hour 2

The second hour of our show is dedicated to answering your questions.

Podcast 1725 Cyberbullying Hour 2 Listener Q&A


For live show listeners, call 800-859-0957 toll free during the show.

If you are listening over the Michigan Talk Radio Network or to our Podcasts (subscribe through iTunes) send us an email.
We’re glad to have Gary Baker back on dry land with us to help answer your questions from Ft. Lauderdale, FL!
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