Emily Hay Wins Vanguard Award

Emily award
L-R Keith Famie, Marilyn Trent, Denise Illich and Emily Hay

Our social media expert, Emily Hay was honored by the Detroit Chapter of Women in Communication for “innovatively using a communications medium during the past year.”  She shared the honors with famous chef Keith Famie and Marilyn Trent of Trent Creative.

Emily Hay of Hay There Social Media will be recognized with a Vanguard Award for innovatively using a communications medium during the past year. Hay is founder of Hay There Social Media and TweetTeam™, delivering social media marketing services to a variety consumer-focused clients. She also is the co-creator of “Saving Face for Parents and Schools,” an online video program helping parents and educators coach tweens to become smart digital citizens. A Birmingham resident, Hay is a public speaker, social media contributor to the Internet Advisor show on WJR 760 AM and a contributing professional on “Live in the D” airing on WDIV/NBC Detroit. She was named one of “30 in their 30s” by DBusiness magazine and one of “52 Empowering Women of 2013” by the WooHoo Radio Network. Hay is a volunteer with Challenge Detroit and a partner at Cornerstone Schools.

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