Podcast 1504 Jan. 24, 2015: Windows 10 Wow! & Building a New Computer


Show Notes:

Hour 1

The New Face of Microsoft…Infinity & Beyond

Jerry CarlsonJerry Carlson, Tech Ninja for Microsoft’s Heartland office in Metro Detroit, joined us again to unveil a remarkable array of changes and additions to the Microsoft world.  On January 21 Microsoft announced Windows 10, the much awaited sequel to the often hated Windows 8!  Follow the links below to Microsoft’s breakdown of the Windows 10 launch for full details.  There was one item that even surprised him!  Jerry gave a quick overview of the changes and we will follow up with Microsoft for more details on these items in the coming programs.


Click Here to Listen to Microsoft Reveal Part 1

Win10 Range

Windows 10 Details

Click Here to Listen to Microsoft Reveal Part 2


Surface Hub

Hololens deviceHololens demo

The Big Surprise: HoloLens

The Internet Advisors, of course, had to put their two cents worth of observations.

Click Here to Listen to Advisors Reaction


MiTechNews Headlines

Mike BrennanMike Brennan, Editor and Host of MiTechNews

 Click Here to Listen to MiTechNews 1_24_15

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 Hour 2            Answering Listener Questions

Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun, Shane Hamelin

Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun, Shane Hamelin

Click Here to Listen to Hour 2 Listener Q&A

This Q&A featured a conversation with a listener who wanted to build a custom computer for his wife’s scrapbooking hobby.  The discussion will be helpful for anyone who is looking for a new computer because of the topics we covered and the questions we asked as we explored the options for out listener.  If you are in the market for a new computer, it will be well worth your while to listen to this part of the program.


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