Podcast 1505 Jan.31, 2015: Happy 17th Anniversary, Heminwrite & Pasty.net


17th Anniv Cake sm

Show Notes

Hour 1


Hemingwrite KickStarter Page

Hemingwrite: Throwback or Great Leap Forward

patrick_paul_smPatrick Paul is part of the local team of developers who came up with this ingenious device. Hemingwrite a distraction free writing tool that is part throwback to the portable typewriters that many of us remember fondly (or not) from late night paper writing sessions in college.  It is also a wonderful digital device that is deliberately NOT connected to the Internet.  Find out why!


rick broidaRick Broida, our favorite writer, columnist, commentator, cheapskate (and zombie wrangler) joins us for our discussion about Hemingwrite.  Is it a great leap forward for someone who is constantly on deadline for his articles?  Listen and see.


Click Here to Listen to Hemingwrite 

Dog Sled

Charlie HopperCharlie Hopper, founder and CEO of Pasty.net and Pasty.com in the great frozen north of Michigan’s Upper Penninsula joins us for a double celebration.  His website went live just about the same time as the Internet Advisors hit the Internet.  Pasty.net is applying hi tech solutions to providing broadband access to customers in the heart of our rugged Upper Penninsula where there are often more racoons than customers.  PS  He also makes and sells the finest Pasties found anywhere.

vc webdesign

Vince Chmielewski founder and CEO of Visual Compass, has helped keep us on the web through his technical service and will soon have a brand new webpage for the Internet Advisors as we enter our 18th year of broadcasting.

Click Here to Listen to Charlie Hopper and Vince Chmielewski on Anniversary


Mike BrennanMike Brennan, Editor and Host of MiTechNews also joins us in studio to talk about how MiTechNews has grown to include many new services and give his perspective on the future of podcasting. Mike will be our in studio guest this week.

Click Here to Listen to Mike Brennan & MiTechNews 1-31-15

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 Hour 2            Answering Listener Questions

Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Foster Braun

Gary Baker, Ed Rudel, Foster Braun

 Click Here to Listen to Hour 2 Listener Q&A



Polar Bear Plunge

Shane Hamelin

Shane Hamelin

Help Shane Hamelin take the big plunge on Feb. 14 in the Detroit River to benefit Special Olympics!  We need your donation, please consider giving to this great cause, and for the chance to see Shane turn blue!!!





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